BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555 COURT APPOINTED TRUSTEE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 518 Oglethorpe Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia's Order/Decree in Case #2023-CAB-002259 the Trustees will offer for sale at public auction the real...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WITH RESPECT TO PROPOSED REVENUE BOND FINANCING BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 25, 2025 Toll free number (833) 231-3338; Passcode 459997237# Notice is hereby given that the District of Columbia (the “District”) will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed issuance by the District of its...
Superior Court of the District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION 2023 ADM 206 Olivia I. Mckeiver, Deceased SARAH HANNAN, Petitioner/Attorney BWW LAW GROUP, LLC 6003 EXECUTIVE BLVD, SUITE 101, ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 Notice of Standard Probate (For estates of decedents dying on or after July 1, 1995) Notice is hereby given...
McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, MD 20707 COURT APPOINTED SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 722 32nd Street, SE Washington, DC 20019 In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia's ("Court") Order Granting Judgment in Case #2023-CAB-007708 DEUTSCHE...
NOTICE OF TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING WITH RESPECT TO PROPOSED REVENUE BOND FINANCING BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 10:30 A.M., February 25, 2025 TELEPHONIC CONFERENCE DIAL-IN PHONE NUMBER: 1 304-306-2335; PASSCODE: 864062028# MICROSOFT TEAMS MEETING Meeting ID: 271 980 577 609; Passcode: it2Ex3YV Notice is hereby given that the District of Columbia...
BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555 COURT APPOINTED TRUSTEE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 3299 K Street, NW, Unit #304 and Parking Space #41 Washington, DC 20007 In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia's Order/Decree in Case #2023-CAB-001674 the Trustees will offer for sale at...
Fairfax County Notice PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 26, 2025, AT 7:30 P.M. NOTICE is hereby given under Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia as amended, that a meeting of the Fairfax County Planning Commission Public hearing is to be held at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia 22035. SEA...
Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. 1966 Greenspring Drive, Suite LL2 Lutherville-Timonium, Maryland 21093 (410) 238-2840 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 6002 Maple Terrace, Laurel, MD 20707 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Purchase Money Deed of Trust from Megan Angel and John Kuntz, dated November 20, 2009 and...
Public Notice The Town of Leesburg Change of Town Council Meeting Location for March 10 and 11, 2025 On February 25, 2025, the Leesburg Town Council approved a resolution approving a change to the Leesburg Town Council Work Session scheduled for Monday, March 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. and the Regular Session scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 7:00...