US : 0 | : 0 00090779 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The Property Clerk of the Metropolitan Police Department hereby gives notice of the Property Clerk's custody of the following MPD Blue Plains Advertisement 2-17-2025 and 2-24-2025 , his/her intention to sell or otherwise dispose of such property, in accordance with the District of Columbia Code. The property in this ad consists of ATV’s, Scooters...
US : 0 | : 0 00091149 V I R G I N I A: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FAIRFAX COUNTY IN RE: ESTATE OF Brian Kwok Chung Yee, deceased Fiduciary No.: FI-2024-0001258 SHOW CAUSE AGAINST DISTRIBUTION It appearing that a report of the accounts of Bradley Kwok Chung Yee and Zachary Charles Miller, Co-Executors of the Estate of Brian Kwok Chung Yee, deceased, of the debts...
US : 0 | : 0 00090627 Superior Court of the District of Columbia Civil Division – Landlord and Tenant 4000 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE PARTNERS LLC Plaintiff, v. L&T Case No.2025-LTB-001469 PAZ COHEN Defendant. NOTICE TO HEIRS OF PAZ COHEN Paz Cohen, who lived at 4000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Apartment 1135...
US : 0 | : 0 00091148 GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Office of Contracting and Procurement PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT The Government of the District of Columbia is soliciting electronic bids or proposals for the following : CAPTION : Direct Care Services - Intervention Services and Support The District of Columbia Office of Contracting and Procurement, on behalf of the...
US : 0 | : 0 00090788 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WITH RESPECT TO PROPOSED REVENUE BOND FINANCING BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, February 25, 2025 Toll free number (833) 231-3338; Passcode 459997237# Notice is hereby given that the District of Columbia (the “District”) will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed issuance by the District of its Revenue...
US : 0 | : 0 00090381 Fairfax County Notice PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 26, 2025, AT 7:30 P.M. Public hearing before the Planning Commission of Fairfax County, Virginia, to be held at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia 22035. Plan Amendment SSPA 2023-II-1F concerns approx. 33.1 ac. generally located at 3033...
US : 0 | : 0 00090743 NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS February 17, 2025 Arlington County, Virginia 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 700 Arlington, VA 22201 703.228.3762 These notices shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be...
US : 0 | : 0 00090792 ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on March 3rd, 2025, at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 307, Arlington, Virginia 22201 in a meeting at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a...
US : 0 | : 0 00091189 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PRINCE GEORGE"S COUNTY, MARYLAND MARK H. WITTSTADT KEVIN HILDEBEIDEL Substitute Trustees Quintairos, Prieto Wood & Boyer, PA 1966 Greenspring Dr, Ste LL2 Timonium, Maryland 21093 v....
US : 0 | : 0 00090440 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND Jeffrey Nadel Scott Nadel 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 200 Calverton, MD 20705 Substitute Trustees Plaintiff Civil No. C-16-CV-24-004854 Marsel K. Spears 5304 Derby Manor Lane Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Defendant(s) Re-Issue NOTICE Notice is hereby...