DC SCHOLARS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL –PAYROLL SOFTWARE AND HR INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS) DC Scholars solicits written proposals for qualified companies interested in providing an integrated payroll software and HRIS system from July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026, for school year 2025-26. To obtain the specifications for each Request for Proposals...
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on March 15, 2025, at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 307, Arlington Virginia 22201 in a meeting at 10:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public...
VA ABC VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL AUTHORITY www.abc.virginia.gov/licenses 804.213.4400 7450 Freight Way, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 PO Box 3250, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 POSTING AND PUBLISHING PUBLISHING NOTICE Full name(s) of owner(s): Sunrise K2, Inc. Trading as: DeClieu Coffee & Sandwich RESTON 2235 Soapstone Drive Reston...
Public Notice The District of Columbia Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of Contracts (OC) hereby gives notice of publication of Request for Proposal No. CFOPD-25-R-016 for Single Audit Services . Solicitation documents are available on the OC Solicitation Gateway at https://bit.ly/2GXc2r5 . Login, view the solicitation, and click “Register as a Respondent”...
Invitation to Comment on a Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Facility Interested persons are invited to comment on the wireless telecommunications project proposed at 9850 Clarks Crossing Road, Vienna, Virginia 22182 (38° 55’ 16.00" N, 77° 17’ 9.00” W) with respect to impacts on, and specifically, the potential effects to, historic properties located at...
GLOBAL CITIZENS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CONSULTANT PROPOSAL FOR COMPREHENSIVE AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Global Citizens Public Charter School (Global Citizens) is seeking a Consultant for Comprehensive Agricultural Services. The school is actively seeking to acquire or lease a development site in Ward 7 of Washington, DC, which will require redevelopment to fit program...
GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Office of Contracting and Procurement PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT The Government of the District of Columbia is soliciting electronic bids or proposals for the following : CAPTION : FY25 Design Services for the Restoration of the Pinehurst Stream The District of Columbia (“District”) Office of Contracting and...
GLOBAL CITIZENS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CONSULTANT PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES Global Citizens Public Charter School (Global Citizens) is seeking a General Contractor to provide preconstruction services. The General Contractor should anticipate providing cost information that will inform the Owner of the future Guaranteed Maximum Price for...
KIPP DC PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOLS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Event Catering Services KIPP DC is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for Event Catering Services. The RFP can be found on KIPP DC’s website at www.kippdc.org/procurement . Questions should be addressed to dorian.ezzard@kippdc.org . Proposals should be uploaded to the website no later than 5:00 PM...
INSPIRED TEACHING DEMONSTRATION PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Chromebook Devices and Management Console Licenses ITDS requests proposals for the purchasing of 50-500 Chromebooks as well as a corresponding number of Google Chrome OS Management Console Licenses. The full RFP can be requested by contacting kate.keplinger@inspiredteachingschool.org ....