00085445 —

Sep 18-1:30
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2024 CAB 2280

v. Judge Carl E. Ross

Next Event: September 27, 2024

Initial Scheduling Conference


unknown heirs, devisees, and personal

representatives and any of their heirs, devisees,

executors, administrators, grantees, assigns, or

successors in right, title, and interest to Real

Property located at 928 Perry Place, NE,

Washington, DC 20017, known for

tax assessment purposes as

Square: 3820, Lot: 0050,


UNKNOWN OWNERS of Real Property located at

928 Perry Places, NE, Washington, DC 20017,

known for tax assessment purposes as Square:

3820, Lot: 0050, the unknown Owner’s heirs,

devisees, and personal representatives and

any of their heirs, devisees, executors,

administrators, grantees, assigns,

or successors in right, title, and interest.



This matter comes before the Court upon Plaintiff’s Motion for Service by Publication, filed on April 17, 2024. Plaintiff requests that this Court authorize her to serve Defendants through publication pursuant to D.C. Code § 13-341.

The object of the above-captioned matter is to quiet title to the identified property from claims asserted by the heirs or any other successors of Maria Cristina Marcantonio or any other Unknown Owners. If judgment is entered in favor of the Plaintiff, all other persons who do not appear in this action will be prevented and foreclosed from claiming any right, title, or interest in the identified property. The “Subject Property” which is the subject of this Order is described as follows:

Lot numbered Fifty (0050) in Square numbered Thirty-eight Hundred and Twenty (3820) in the subdivision of lots made by Charles H. Tompkins and Lida H. Tompkins, a part of a tract of land called “Turkey Thicket,” as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 108 at folio 40.

Commonly known As: 928 Perry Place, NE, Washington, DC 20017

Square: 3280, Lot: 0050

The purpose of this publication is to identify and serve any unknown heirs or devises.

ACCORDINGLY, it is by the Court this 28th day of May 2024, hereby

ORDERED that Plaintiff’s Motion for Service by Publication GRANTED; and it is further

ORDERED that Plaintiff will post the Notice, attached to this Order, in accordance with the terms contained in D.C. Code § 13-341(b)(1), publishing notice no less than twice a month, for a period no less than three months; and it is further

ORDERED that the remote initial scheduling conference is CONTINUED to Friday, September 27, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. in virtual courtroom 200; and it is further

ORDERED that any person claiming an interest in the Lot or in this action must cause their appearance to be entered herein during or before the Remote Initial Scheduling Conference on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. The Remote Initial Scheduling Conference will be held in Virtual Courtroom 200. An interested party’s failure to enter an appearance at or before the Remote Initial Scheduling Conference will cause the above-captioned matter to proceed as in case of default.


/s/ Carl E. Ross

Judge Carl E. Ross

Copies to Parties.

Run Dates: July 29, 31, August 6, 13, September 3, and 10, 2024



Member Since:
Jan 24, 2017

Washington, DC, 20002

(202) 636-3109

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