00086619 —

Sep 16-1:30
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:


BE IT KNOWN, that the Plaintiffs, Albert C. Scuderi, Jr. and Mark Ehlman Scuderi, have filed the instant action and Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Quiet Title regarding the Property being 15-17 feet wide, and 186-194 feet long, along Muncaster Road, between 17700 Muncaster Road and 17726 Muncaster Road, Rockville, Maryland, and that any interested party claiming any right, title or interest in or to the Property, or by or through Henry B. Magruder regarding the Property, shall file an Answer to the Complaint on or before September 23, 2024, or such right, title or interest in and to the Property shall be forever discharged, waived and released, the Property being:

Description of a


BEING a piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Laytonsville Election District No. 1 of Montgomery County, Maryland, said piece or parcel of land lying on the northwesterly side of Muncaster Road (variable width right of way), left of baseline of right-of-way station 21+50 ±, and being labeled as “Apparent Vacancy”, as shown on Montgomery County, Maryland, Right-of-Way Plat File No. 462, the aforementioned piece or parcel also lying northeasterly of Parcel “A” as delineated on a Plat of Subdivision entitled “Parcel “A”, Redland Gulf” and recorded as Plat No. 8832, the aforesaid piece or parcel also lying southeast of Lot 1, as delineated on a Plat of Subdivision entitled “Lot 1, Fraley's Subdivision” and recorded as Plat No. 3928, said piece or parcel also lying southwesterly of Parcel “I”, as delineated on a Plat of Subdivision entitled “Parcel “I”, Redland” and recorded as Plat No. 19432, all among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, and being described now in the North American Datum of 1983 and adjusted in 2011 (NAD ‘83/’11), as now surveyed, as follows:

BEGINNING for the same at an iron pipe found lying on said northwesterly right-of-way line of Muncaster Road, said iron pipe found also lying at the southeasterly end of the northeasterly or South 59°09'49" East, 186.01 foot line of said Parcel “A”; thence running reversely with and along said northeasterly Parcel line

1. North 59°11'46" West, 186.01 feet to a point on the southeasterly or South 28°00' West, 275.00 foot line of said Lot 1; thence running reversely with and along a part of said southeasterly Lot line

2. North 25°13'20" East, 16.91 feet to a point at the northwesterly end of the southwesterly or North 58°15'07" West, 193.85 foot of said Parcel "I"; thence running reversely with and along said southwesterly Plat line, and an extension thereof

3. South 58°47'19" East, 196.80 feet to a point lying on the aforementioned northwesterly right-of-way line of Muncaster Road, 32.00 feet left of baseline of right-of-way station 21+63.79, as shown on said Montgomery County, Maryland, right-of-way Plat File No. 462; thence running with and along the aforesaid northwesterly right-of-way line the following two (2) courses and distances

4. South 29°12'19" West, 15.44 feet to a point; thence

5. North 59°11'46" West, 9.57 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3,164 square feet or 0.0726 of an acre of land.

The licensee below was in responsible charge over the preparation of this metes and bounds description and the surveying work reflected in it, all in compliance with requirements set forth in COMAR Title 09, Subtitle 13, Chapter 06, Regulation .12.





ROCKVILLE, MD 20850-2393

Date:August 23, 2024

Attorney: Kristin E. Draper

12505 Park Potomac Avenue,

Seventh Floor

Potomac, Maryland 20854

TEL: (301) 230-5200

FAX: (301) 230-2891

Email: kdraper@


Washington Times, 8/29,

9/5 & 9/12, 2024



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