00086582 —

Sep 16-1:30
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Seller's Comments and Description:

ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE §§ 1-211.1,8.01-316,

-317, 20-104

City of Alexandria

520 King Street,

Room 307

Alexandria, VA 22314

Case No.: CL24002095

Commonwealth of Virginia, in re

Kaoutar El Moujahid


Shiv Ramnarase

The object of this suit is to:

The plaintiff be granted a divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the respondent on the grounds that the parties have lived separate and apart from each other, without cohabitation for more than twelve months since April 2019.

It is ORDERED that Shiv Ramnarase appear at the above-named court and protect his/her interests on or before October 15, 2024 DATE: August 22, 2024

Darlene Sourivong Deputy Clerk

August 29, 2024

September 5,12 & 19, 2024



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Jan 24, 2017

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