00086779 —

Sep 16-1:30
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:


Subject: Formal Start of Review


The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) hereby gives notice of docketing of the following application for Certificate of Need:

SurgCenter at National Harbor, LLC dba Harborside Surgery Center – Docket No. 24-16-247 Harborside Surgery Center (‘Harborside’) is currently licensed by the State of Maryland as an ASC-2 with two operating rooms and three procedure rooms. Harborside proposes to operate the center as an ambulatory surgical facility (‘ASF’) with three total operating rooms and two procedure rooms through the conversion of one procedure room to an operating room. Project Budget: $247,985

MHCC shall review the applications under Maryland Health-General Code Annotated, Section 19-101 et seq., COMAR 10.24.01, and the applicable State Health Plan standards. Any affected person may make a written request to the Commission to receive copies of relevant notices concerning the application(s). All further notices of proceedings on the application(s) will be sent only to affected persons who have registered as interested parties.

Persons desiring to become interested parties in the Commission’s review of the above- referenced application(s) must meet the requirements of COMAR and (2) and must also submit written comments to the Commission no later than close of business October 21, 2024. These comments must state with particularity the State Health Plan standards or review criteria that you believe have not been met by the applicant(s) as stated in COMAR

Please refer to the Docket Number listed above in any correspondence on the application(s). Copies of the application are available for review in the office of MHCC during regular business hours by appointment. All correspondence should be addressed to:

Wynee Hawk, Director

Center for Health Care Facilities and

Planning Maryland Health Care Commission

4160 Patterson Avenue

Baltimore, Maryland 21215

September 5, 2024 Ad#86779


Member Since:
Jan 24, 2017

Washington, DC, 20002

(202) 636-3109

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