00086998 —

Sep 19-1:30
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:

Notice of Fairfax County

Bond Referendum

On November 5, 2024, in conjunction with the General Election to be held the same day, Fairfax County will hold a referendum election asking the qualified voters of Fairfax County to vote on the following question:


Shall Fairfax County, Virginia, contract a debt, borrow money, and issue bonds, in addition to the transportation

improvements and facilities bonds previously authorized, in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $180,000,000

for the purpose of financing Fairfax County’s share, under the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Compact, of the cost of constructing, reconstructing, improving, and acquiring transportation improvements

and facilities, including capital costs of land, transit facilities, rolling stock, and equipment in the Washington

metropolitan area?

Notice of Fairfax County

Bond Referendum

On November 5, 2024, in conjunction with the General Election to be held the same day, Fairfax County will hold a referendum election asking the qualified voters of Fairfax County to vote on the following question:


Shall Fairfax County, Virginia, contract a debt, borrow money, and issue bonds in the maximum aggregate principal

amount of $126,000,000 to provide funds, in addition to funds from public safety facilities bonds previously

authorized, to finance, including reimbursement to the County for temporary financing for, the costs of public

safety facilities, including the construction, reconstruction, enlargement, renovation and equipment of civil and

criminal justice facilities, police training and operational facilities and stations, fire and rescue training facilities

and stations, including fire and rescue stations owned by volunteer organizations, and the acquisition of necessary land?

Ad Run Dates: September 16, 2024 and

October 28, 2024

Ad# 86139


Member Since:
Jan 24, 2017

Washington, DC, 20002

(202) 636-3109

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