00089388 —
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PHONE: 202-506-1209 FAXl 202-506-1396
Uncompensated Care Mandate
Effective Date:01/01/2024
Approved By:Rose Oma, CEO
Under District of Columbia law, Integrated Community Services must make its services available to all people of the community. Integrated Community Services is not allowed to discriminate against a person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, physical handicap, source of income, or place of residence or business, or because a person is covered by a program such as Medicare or Medicaid.
Integrated Community Services is also required to provide a reasonable volume of services without charge or at a reduced charge to persons that are unable to pay. Ask the staff if you are eligible to received services without charge or at a reduced charge If you believe that you have been denied services or consideration for treatment without charge or a reduced charge without good reason, contact our Admissions Department at Integrated Community Services at 202-506-1209 and call the State Health Planning and Development Agency through the Citywide call Center at 202-727-1000.
Integrated Community Services will provide uncompensated care in the amount of three percent (3%) of Integrated Community Services annual operating expenses, less than the amount of reimbursements it received from Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicaid and Medicare), without regard from contractual allowances.
Integrated Community Services has satisfied all of its outstanding uncompensated care obligations from previous reporting periods and is therefore in compliance with Chapter 44 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.
If you want to file a complaint, forms are available from the State Health Planning and Development Agency.
Joseph Morris
Integrated Community Services
Uncompensated Care Mandate
Effective Date:01/01/2024
Approved By:Rose Oma, CEO
Según la ley del Distrito de Columbia, Integrated Community Services debe poner sus servicios a disposición de todas las personas de la comunidad. Integrated Community Services no puede discriminar a una persona por motivos de raza, color, religión, origen nacional, sexo, edad, estado civil, apariencia personal, orientación sexual, responsabilidades familiares, matriculación, afiliación política, discapacidad física, fuente de ingresos, o lugar de residencia o negocio, o porque una persona está cubierta por un programa como Medicare o Medicaid.
Integrated Community Services también están obligados a proporcionar un volumen razonable de servicios sin cargo oa un costo reducido a las personas que no pueden pagar. Pregúntele al personal si es elegible para recibir servicios sin cargo o a un costo reducido. Si cree que se le negaron los servicios o la consideración para un tratamiento sin cargo o a un costo reducido sin una buena razón, comuníquese con nuestro Departamento de Admisiones en Integrated Community Services al 202 -506-1209 y llame a la Agencia Estatal de Planificación y Desarrollo de la Salud a través del Centro de llamadas de la ciudad al 202-727-1000.
Integrated Community Services brindará atención no compensada por un monto del tres por ciento (3%) de los gastos operativos anuales de Integrated Community Services, menos que el monto de los reembolsos que recibió de los Títulos XVIII y XIX de la Ley del Seguro Social (Medicaid y Medicare), sin consideración de las asignaciones contractuales.
Integrated Community Services ha satisfecho todas sus obligaciones pendientes de atención no compensadas de períodos de informes anteriores y, por lo tanto, cumple con el Capítulo 44 de las Regulaciones Municipales del Distrito de Columbia.
Si desea presentar una queja, los formularios están disponibles en la Agencia Estatal de Planificación y Desarrollo de la Salud.
Joseph Morris
Integrated Community Services
December 19, 2024