00091087 —

Mar 12-1:50
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:

City of Alexandria


A summary of the City of Alexandria’s proposed Fiscal Year 2026 budget is set out below.

Notice is hereby given of a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2026 budget for the City of Alexandria.

The March 10, 2025 Budget Public Hearing Meeting of the Alexandria City Council is being held in the Council Chamber (301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314) and electronically. Members of City Council and staff are participating either in-person or from a remote location through a video conference call on Zoom. The meeting can be accessed by the public through: Zoom hyperlink (below), broadcasted live on the government channel 70, and streaming on the City’s website.

Budget Public Hearing:

The Webinar will open at 5:00 PM to allow individuals to join while the Public Hearing will begin at approximately 5:30 PM. If you wish to use Zoom to watch this meeting or to address Council, you must register first. Those wishing to address Council should also submit a Speaker's Form using the link below.

Registration link:


Webinar ID: 981 6558 0049

Webinar Passcode: 060639

Dial-in number: 301.715.8592

Speaker's Form: https://apps.alexandriava.gov/SpeakerSignup/

Those wishing to address Council should submit a Speaker's Form. Submission of written statements is encouraged. Please sign up after the docket is created and you are able to verify the meeting date on the City's website. If the docket is not posted, you will have to return at a later date to complete the speaker's form in order to speak at a Council meeting.

Public Comment will be received at this meeting: All persons wishing to speak before City Council must complete a Speaker's Form (see link above). If you have a prepared statement or written comments for the record, you may email it to the City Clerk at gloria.sitton@alexandriava.gov. Speakers are encouraged to submit their written comments to the City Clerk. When your name is called to speak, the Zoom host will prompt you to unmute your microphone. If you are participating via smartphone, press *6 to mute/unmute your microphone. You will be called on by your name or the last 4 digits of your phone number when it is your turn to speak. When you are finished speaking or at 3 minutes (whichever comes first), you will be muted again. If you would like to submit a written comment, you may use the “Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Input” form (linked below). Fiscal Year2026BudgetPublicCommentForm:


Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 703.746.4550 (TTY/TDD 838.5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made. City Council meetings are closed-captioned for the hearing impaired. Individuals requiring translation services should contact the City Clerk and Clerk of Council at gloria.sitton@alexandriava.gov or at 703.746.4550. We request that you provide 24-to-48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made. Please specify the language for translation when you make the request.


General All Capital

Fund Funds Improvements

FY 2026 FY 2026 FY 2026

City Council $912,600 $912,600

City Manager $6,223,019 $6,223,019 $641,100

City Attorney $4,510,800 $4,510,800 $159,100

City Clerk and Clerk of Council $562,113 $562,113

Circuit Court Judges $1,926,652 $1,926,652

18th General District Court $169,167 $169,167

Clerk of the Circuit Court $2,129,027 $2,194,027

Commonwealth’s Attorney $5,276,956 $5,644,398

Court Service Unit $476,496 $476,496

Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court $95,600 $95,600

Other Criminal and Justice Services $8,206,183 $9,075,456

Registrar of Voters $1,994,988 $1,994,988 $1,002,000

Sheriff $35,060,051 $35,769,026

Finance $15,098,263 $16,201,035 $2,061,100

General Services $14,899,603 $15,288,591 $29,905,500

Human Rights $1,219,498 $1,255,570

Information Technology Services $19,519,195 $20,148,696 $6,636,000

Internal Audit $478,499 $478,499

Management and Budget $1,874,667 $1,874,667 $738,376

General Fund Debt Service (City) $57,703,661 $57,703,661

Debt Service (ACPS) $47,834,265 $47,834,265

Non-Departmental - Contingent Reserve $655,57 $1,000,272

Non-Departmental - Insurance, Memberships, $10,412,048 $21,634,988


Human Resources $6,113,749 $6,113,749

Communications & Public Information $2,631,656 $2,631,656

Performance Analytics $1,140,122 $1,140,122

Fire $68,964,799 $71,619,837 $6,905,000

Code Administration $9,342,166

Emergency & Customer Communications $10,098,106 $10,225,767 $399,800

Police $72,880,725 $75,982,683

Health $9,901,365 $10,085,981

Community and Human Services $61,285,334 $115,657,243

Community Policing Review Board $620,884 $620,884

Other Health Activities $1,527,082 $1,527,082

Housing $11,883,002 $16,270,451 $7,570,000

Economic Development Activities $9,063,993 $9,063,993

Project Implementation $1,943,800 $30,366,100

Planning and Zoning $8,594,265 $9,578,617 $278,200

Historic Alexandria $4,859,826 $5,862,845 $1,599,100

Library $9,326,034 $10,027,502 $110,600

Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities $31,128,403 $34,925,312 $4,850,700

Transit Subsidies $51,705,030 $62,348,734 $22,250,142

Transportation and Environmental Services $43,931,256 $97,322,675 $69,408,726

Other Educational Activities $15,449 $15,449

Schools $281,194,986 $388,238,615 $20,985,000

General Fund Cash Capital $32,344,713 $32,344,713

GRAND TOTAL $956,449,705 $1,225,864,462 $205,866,544

Any person desiring to review the proposed budget may visit the City’s website (alexandriava.gov/budget).


The proposed budget includes no change in the real property tax rate from $1.135 per $100 of assessed valuation based upon an assessment ratio of 100% fair market value. It should be noted that City Council will set the maximum tax rate to be advertised at its March 11, 2025 meeting, at 7:00 pm and that Council may not adopt a rate that exceeds this tax rate but may adopt an equal or lesser tax rate. The proposed budget includes no change in the current motor vehicle personal property tax rate of $5.33 per $100 of assessed value. All other personal property tax rates, including vehicles specially equipped to transport persons with disabilities, which are proposed to be taxed at the present rate of $3.55 per $100 of assessed value; Business tangible property, including office furniture, fixtures, computers and unlicensed vehicles are proposed to be taxed at the present rate of $4.75 per $100 of assessed value and machinery and tools are proposed to be taxed at the present rate of $4.50 per $100 of assessed value; Privately owned boats and water craft that are used for recreational purposes only are proposed to be taxed at the present rate of $0.01 per $100 of assessed value, are unchanged. The amount of real estate tax rate dedicated for affordable housing and to support existing debt service related to affordable housing is 1.0 cents.

Run Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025



Member Since:
Jan 24, 2017

Washington, DC, 20002

(202) 636-3109

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