00091128 —
Listing Began:
Seller's Comments and Description:
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the Code of the Town of Vienna that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals in Town Hall, 127 Center St South, Vienna, Virginia 22180, on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, beginning at 7:30 PM on the following:
Public Hearing:
1. Request for approval of a variance from Sec. 18-217., Residential - Single-Unit, 16,000 sq. ft. Zone (RS-16), 2. Residential Coverage, of the Town of Vienna Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, to retain lot coverage over the permitted 25% on the property located at 205 Berry Street SE, in RS-16, Single-Family Detached Residential zone.
2. Request to hear an appeal of the Zoning Administrators Determination in accordance with the requirements of Section 18-820 Appeals of Zoning Administrator Decision., of the Town of Vienna Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance, affecting property located at 430, 440, 444 Maple Ave W, Vienna, Virginia, tax map numbers: 0383 02 0139, 0383 02 0140, 0383 02 0141, in the AW - Avenue West zoning district. Filed by Sara Mariska, of Odin Feldman Pittleman, on behalf of Vienna Development Associates LLC, property owner. The decision being appealed is the issuance of a Notice of Violation by the Zoning Administrator, case number 24-208, for a violation of Section 18-836 Site Plan Review. The Zoning Administrator determine that the existing condition of the property did not meet the requirements of the site plan approved in June of 2021.
At said public hearing, any interested persons will be given an opportunity to express their views and speak in favor of the proposal or in opposition thereto. Copies of the proposal are
available for inspection in the Department of Planning & Zoning, 1st floor, Vienna Town Hall, 127 Center Street South, Vienna, VA, 22180-5719, during regular working hours.
By order of the Board of Zoning Appeals
Joseph Lowther, Chairman
Publication Dates: March 5th, 2025
March 12th, 2025