00091247 —

Mar 12-1:50
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:




a Municipal Corporation of

the Commonwealth of Virginia,


v. Case No. CL24-2245




The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the Complainant, City of Alexandria, Virginia, for delinquent real estate taxes against certain real property located in the City of Alexandria, Virginia, described as follows:

Account No. 50225280

All the following described land with its improvements, situate, lying and being partly in the City of Alexandria, Virginia, and partly in Arlington County, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:

All of Unit 3233, Fairlington Villages, a Condominium, together with the undivided interest in the General and Limited Common Elements and all other rights and privileges to which attach to the said unit, as described in that certain Declaration with plats and plans attached thereto, recorded June 30, 1976 in Deed Book 1918 at Page 476, et seq. among the land records of Arlington County, Virginia, and recorded February 17, 1977 in Deed Book 848 at Page 621, et seq. among the land records of the City of Alexandria, Virginia, and any and all amendments thereto, whether now existing or hereinafter recorded, as permitted by Paragraphs IV and VI of the said Declaration.

And being the same real property conveyed to Miriam I. Sesman, unmarried, from CBI Fairmac Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, successor of North Fairlington Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, by merger, via Deed dated May 12, 1978 and recorded May 23, 1978 among the records of the City of Alexandria Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 896 at Page 566.

This description is made subject to all easements, conditions, agreements, restrictions, and reservations of record which affect the property herein described including but not limited to those recorded in Deed Book 795 at Page 185, Deed Book 848 at Page 621, Deed Book 871 at Page 390, Deed Book 872 at Page 126, Deed Book 880 at Page 657, Deed Book 891 at Page 684, Deed Book 894 at Page 405, Deed Book 897 at Page 1, Deed Book 899 at Page 48, Deed Book 899 at Page 458, Deed Book 901 at Page 796, Deed Book 915 at Page 642, and Deed Book 2771 at Page 1359 (City of Alexandria) and Deed Book 565 at Page 373, Deed Book 565 at Page 377, Deed Book 583 at Page 67, Deed Book 599 at Page 406, Deed Book 609 at Page 259, Deed Book 620 at Page 381, Deed Book 639 at Page 341, Deed Book 645 at Page 555, Deed Book 725 at Page 254, Deed Book 850 at Page 537, Deed Book 900 at Page 481, Deed Book 902 at Page 55, Deed Book 960 at Page 528, Deed Book 971 at Page 347, Deed Book 1378 at Page 241, Deed Book 1918 at Page 476, Deed Book 1957 at Page 748, and Deed Book 2024 at Page 280 (Arlington County).

IT APPEARING that an Affidavit has been made and filed stating that due diligence has been used, without effect, to ascertain the identity and location of certain parties to be served, that the last known addresses for the Respondents herein are as follows: Miriam T. Sesman aka Miriam I. Sesman Madera, who is believed to be deceased and whose last known address is unknown; and that any officers, heirs, devisees, and successors in title of the Respondent named herein are made parties Respondent to this action individually and/or by the general description of Parties Unknown, it is hereby

ORDERED that the parties herein and all Parties Unknown and/or whose location cannot be ascertained appear on or before April 30, 2025 in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Alexandria, Virginia, and do what may be necessary to protect their interests in this cause.

Entered on the 25th day of February 2025.

Rebecca Wade


J. Greg Parks, Clerk

By Harrison Hart, Deputy Clerk

Certified this 28th day of Feb, 2025


John A. Rife

Esq. (VSB No. 45805)

Jeffrey A. Scharf, Esq. (VSB No. 30591)

Mark K. Ames, Esq. (VSB No. 27409)

Andrew M. Neville, Esq. (VSB No. 86372)

Paul L. LaBarr, Esq. (VSB No. 91609)

Gregory L. Haynes, Esq. (VSB No. 37158)

Seth R. Konopasek, Esq. (VSB No. 97065)

Garrett W. Patton, Esq. (VSB No. 98345)

Taxing Authority Consulting Services, PC

P.O. Box 31800

Henrico, Virginia 23294-1800

Phone: (804) 548-4429

Facsimile: (804) 545-2378


Sarah E. McElveen

Assistant City Attorney

301 King Street,

Suite 1300

Alexandria, Virginia 22314

(703) 746-3750 (phone)

Sarah. McElveen@


TACS No.: 808797

March 6 & 13, 2025



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Jan 24, 2017

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(202) 636-3109

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