00086908 —

Sep 19-1:30
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:

Computer/IT: CGI Technologies & Solutions Inc. seeks Software Developer in Fairfax, VA (& various unanticipated locations throughout US) to research, design, devel, &/or modify enterprise-wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job req Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, Info Systs, IT or rel f’ld & 4 yrs in any job title involving s/w development & s/w design exp. Must be willing to relocate to various unanticipated work locations throughout US. All offers of emp are contingent upon successful comp of background check, which may incl drug screen depending on work assignment. Email resume to recruiting@cgifederal. com & ref job code 1363.


Member Since:
Jan 24, 2017

Washington, DC, 20002

(202) 636-3109

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