00088747 —

Dec 21-0:50
Listing Began:


Seller's Comments and Description:

Trustee’s Sale

Time-Share Estates at

Fairfield Washington DC at Old Town Alexandria

Tax Map # 50664950

Old Town Alexandria Batch #17

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. In execution of a certain Memorandum of Lien recorded on July 23, 2024 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria, Virginia, as instrument #LR240006540, executed by King Street Metroplace Property Owners Association, Inc., (the “Association”), as beneficiary, to Philip W. Richardson and/or Daniel C. Zickefoose, Trustees to perfect certain liens of Time-Share Owners at Fairfield Washington DC at Old Town Alexandria, a Time-Share located at 1757 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, (the “Project”) for unpaid Maintenance Fees, Assessments, special assessments and related charges and costs and default having been made in the payment of the debt secured, and at the request of the Association, as beneficiary under said Memorandum, the undersigned, having been duly appointed Trustees in such Memorandum, has declared all the debts and obligations secured by the Memorandum of Lien due and payable and will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the City of Alexandria Courthouse, 520 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 11:00 AM, the following described Time-Share Estates located at the Project and more particularly described below.

Together with all and singular, the rights and privileges, hereditaments and tenements thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and any easements or rights of way for the use thereof as contained in the Time-Share Instrument for the Time-Share Project, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for the Association and all related documents in connection with the Time-Share Project and Time-Share Program, collectively, the “Documents”. The Association as beneficiary under the Memorandum of Lien reserves the right to bid at said sale. TERMS OF SALE: Certified funds, cashier’s check, and/or trust account check. A bidder's deposit of THIRTY percent (30%) must be presented at the time of the Trustee's Sale with settlement in full to be made within 10 calendar days from the date of the said sale. Time-Share Estates may be sold individually, in blocks or in bulk and will be sold “AS IS” without representations or warranties of any kind. The sale will be subject to all easements, restrictions, conditions, and reservations of record affecting the title to the Time-Share Estates hereinafter described, especially the Documents. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, this notice is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. For information, contact: Daniel C. Zickefoose, Attorney at Law and Trustee, 4796 Finlay Street, Henrico, Virginia 23231, Dan@ecrlegal.com (804) 788-4457 (W); (804) 644-3461 (F) or Egda Alfaro, Title Services, Wyndham Vacation Ownership, Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32821, (800) 251-8736, option 2, then option 3 (W); (407) 626-4417 (F); egda.alfaro@wyn.com.. The Time-Share Estates subject to the foreclosure sale under the Memorandum are more fully described in the recorded Memorandum and are briefly described at www.virginialegalnotice.com. Please refer to this website for more information regarding the above foreclosure sale and the Time-Share Estates to be sold thereat.

November 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, December 2, 2024



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