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There is now pending before the District of Columbia Superior Court a civil action, case number 2024-CAB-001663, seeking to affect title to the property now or formerly owned by the Defendant Kidus Getachaw, located at 4204 8th Street, NW, Units 1, 2, 3 & 4, Washington DC 20011. A copy of the action is available in the Clerk's office of the Court. A written answer, including any claims or defenses, must be filed with the District of Columbia Superior Court Civil Branch, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before the 27th day of February 2025. Run Dates: January 29th, 2025 February 5th, 2025 February 12th, 2027 A D#90279 |
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LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following vessel has apparently been abandoned for more than 12 months on the property of: James Creek Marina at 200 V St SW, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 554-8844. Description of vessel : Hull ID number: ETY3005181 Manufacturer : Marine Trader, Length: 31ft, Year built : 1981. Application for the title and/or registration will be made in accordance with the Regulations of the DC Harbor Patrol if this vessel is not claimed and removed from the property listed above within 30 days of this notice. Notice is further given that failure to claim the vessel will constitute a waiver of all rights, title, and interest in the vessel. February 12, 2025 Ad#90584 |
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NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE 6124 Hoskins Hollow Circle, Unit C, Centreville, VA 20121 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated March 10, 2022 and recorded at March 11, 2022 in Book 27582 Page 1407 in the Clerk's Office for the Fairfax County Virginia Circuit Court, Virginia, securing a loan which was originally $361,000.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front of the entrance of the Fairfax County Circuit Court Courthouse located at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. April 04, 2025 at 11:00 AM improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the following described property, to wit: Lot One Hundred Forty-Seven (147), Section 8, SINGLETON`S GROVE, as the same appears duly dedicated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 7446, at Page 1116, among the land records of Fairfax County, Virginia AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of certified check, cashier's check or money order by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee's fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller's attorneys at settlement, a fee of $470.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for the Secured Party) 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 March 13th, 2025 March 20th, 2025 AD#90144 |
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LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following vessel has apparently been abandoned for more than 12 months on the property of: James Creek Marina at 200 V St SW, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 554-8844. Description of vessel : Hull ID number: CDR600271082 Manufacturer : Carver, Length: 35ft, Year built : 1982. Application for the title and/or registration will be made in accordance with the Regulations of the DC Harbor Patrol if this vessel is not claimed and removed from the property listed above within 30 days of this notice. Notice is further given that failure to claim the vessel will constitute a waiver of all rights, title, and interest in the vessel. February 12, 2025 Ad#90583 |
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NOTICE OF COMPLAINT BY PUBLICATION A Complaint for Forfeiture has been filed in Case No. D-06-CV-25-011441 , Montgomery County, Maryland vs U.S. Currency in the amount of $9,608.00, George A. Jovel on the 7 th day of March 2025, in the District Court of Maryland for Montgomery County. The $9,608.00 was seized on or about June 4, 2024, in Montgomery County, Maryland. The object of the Complaint is to obtain an Order from the Court forfeiting all of the right, title, and interest of the said currency, both legal and equitable, in and to the said currency. The said currency is subject to forfeiture in that it was used in close proximity to contraband controlled dangerous substance, controlled paraphernalia, and was otherwise used or intended for use in connection with illegal manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or possession of controlled dangerous substance, in violation of Criminal Procedure Article, Section 12-101 et seq., of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The above property will be forfeited if an Answer is not timely filed. An Answer may be filed with the Clerk of the District Court of Maryland for Montgomery County within 60 days of March 27, 2025, the last publication date of this notice. Additional information may be obtained from Haley M. Roberts, Associate County Attorney, 101 Monroe Street, Third Floor, Rockville, MD 20850, phone number 240-777-6700. If the currency is not needed for evidentiary purposes in a judicial proceeding, the owner of the seized currency may obtain possession of the currency pending forfeiture by posting a bond in the manner provided in Subsection 12-208 of the Criminal Procedure Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. March 13, 20 & 27, 2025 Ad#91401 |
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Legal Notice NOTICE of Unregistered Claim and NOTICE of the Immediate Termination of the Bailment Agreement/Paper Occupation. For full text of the Notice, please see . January 29, 2025 February 5,12, 2025 Ad#90280 |
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MONTGOMERY COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 301-563-3400 WEDNESDAY February 26, 2025 & CONTINUED HEARING (IF NECESSARY) TUESDAY March 4, 2025 MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION WHEATON HEADQUATERS AUDITORIUM 2425 REEDIE DRIVE WHEATON, MARYLAND 20902 ALL HPC HEARINGS ARE BEING CONDUCTED IN PERSON The HPC will conduct the Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 26 th and a Continued Hearing (if necessary) on Tuesday, March 4 th . The Public Hearing will begin with a Worksession at 6:30 pm, followed by the hearing at 7:00pm. See the agenda below for item details. GENERAL PUBLIC WISHING TO OBSERVE MAY ATTEND IN PERSON OR FOLLOW THE MEETINGS VIA THIS AUDIO LINK: meetings/watch-online/ SIGN UP TO TESTIFY ONLINE If you wish to testify on an item, you must sign up to testify online in advance of the hearing. historic/historic-preservation-commission/historic-preservation-commission-sign-up-to-testify/ Final Deadline to Sign up to testify: . 9 am on February 25th (for February 26th meeting) Speakers must identify themselves for the record and wait to be acknowledged by the Meeting Clerk and Chair. WRITTEN COMMENTS : Members of the public or applicants may submit exhibits, via this email: . Comments received after the deadline will be included for the record, but not distributed for the HPC. Final deadlines for comments to be distributed: . 10 am on February 25th (for February 26th meeting) The HPC agenda is subject to change any time after printing or during the commission meeting. Please contact the Historic Preservation Commission staff at the email above to obtain current information. MEETING ACCESSIBILITY POLICY : Sign language interpreter services and other auxiliary aids or services will be provided upon request with as much advance notice as possible, preferably at least five (5) full business days before the meeting. To request any reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting, please contact The Office of Historic Preservation in advance at MCP-Historic@ or please call (301) 563-3400. In all situations, a good faith effort will be made to provide accommodations. For any additional questions or concerns, please contact MCP-Historic@ or please call (301) 563-3400, or MD Relay 711. HPC WORKSESSION – 6:30 p.m. in WHQ Second Floor Auditorium HPC MEETING – 7:00 p.m. in WHQ Second Floor Auditorium I. HISTORIC AREA WORK PERMITS (Staff assignments shown in parentheses below.) A. DEFERRED FROM 1/22/2025 198 Market Street, Brookeville (HAWP #1097741) (Brookeville Historic District); Chloe Batch for fenestration alterations. (Laura DiPasquale) B. 2907 Barker Street, Silver Spring (HAWP #1103535) (Capitol View Park Historic District); Oleg Roytburd and Svetlana Malikina (Steven Reeves, Agent) for demolition of existing sheds; construction of new shed. (Laura DiPasquale) C. 35 Columbia Avenue, Takoma Park (HAWP #1103977) (Takoma Park Historic District); Inan Phillips (Tina Crouse, Agent) for solar panel installation. (Devon Murtha) D. 7014 Poplar Avenue, Takoma Park (HAWP #1104259) (Takoma Park Historic District); Susan Salek for after the fact hardscape alterations. (Devon Murtha) E. 10549 St. Paul Street, Kensington (HAWP #1073068) (Kensington Historic District); Pete Magee & Ally Tranchina (Matt Mcdonald, Architect) for partial demolition, construction of new rear addition and new dormers. (Dan Bruechert) F. 4722 Cumberland Avenue, Chevy Chase (HAWP #1104438) (Somerset Historic District); Agnes Holland & Matthew Grohowski (Landis Construction Corporation, Architect) for alterations and additions; window replacement. (Dan Bruechert) G. DEFERRED FROM 1/8/25 8827 Hawkins Lane, Chevy Chase (HAWP #1086808) (Hawkins Lane Historic District); Adisra Jittipun for partial demolition, building addition, window replacement, tree removal, and hardscape alteration. (Dan Bruechert) II. PRELIMINARY CONSULTATIONS A. 3806 Williams Lane, Chevy Chase (HAWP #1104437) (Master Plan Site #35/76, Williams-Wirgman House ); Pat and Wyman Stokes (Shawn Buehler, Architect) for construction of rear addition, accessory structure, and driveway; tree removal.(Laura DiPasquale) III. DRAFT ILLUSTRATED DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR PORCH AND DECK FLOORING IV. MINUTES A. February 12, 2025 (if available) V. OTHER BUSINESS A. Commission Items B. Staff Items VI. ADJOURNMENT February 12, 2025 Ad#90631 |
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Arlington County 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201 NOTICE OF PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE The County of Arlington, Virginia, proposes to increase property tax levies. 1. Assessment Increase : Total assessed value of real property, excluding additional assessments due to new construction or improvements to property, exceeds last year’s total assessed value of real property by 1.5 percent. 2. Lowered Rate Necessary to Offset Increased Assessment : The tax rate which would levy the same amount of real estate tax as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of real estate with the exclusions mentioned above, would be $1.0181 per $100 of assessed value. This rate will be known as the “lowered tax rate.” 3. Effective Rate Increase : The County of Arlington, Virginia proposes to adopt a tax rate of $1.043 per $100 of assessed value. The difference between the lowered tax rate and the proposed rate would be $0.025 per $100, or 2.4 percent. This difference will be known as the “effective tax rate increase.” Individual property taxes may, however, increase at a percentage greater than or less than the above percentage. 4. Proposed Total Budget Increase : Based on proposed real property tax rate and changes in other revenues, the total budget of Arlington County will exceed last year’s budget by 5.3 percent. 5. The County also proposes to maintain the real estate tax for properties used for or zoned to permit commercial and industrial uses at the current rate of $0.125 per $100. Revenue from this tax is dedicated for transportation initiatives. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 27, 2025, AT 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE AND WILL BE CABLECAST AND LIVE-STREAMED ON ARLINGTON TV. AFTER THE HEARING IS HELD, ON MARCH 27, 2025, THE COUNTY BOARD MAY ADOPT A TAX RATE LOWER THAN $1.043 PER $100 OF ASSESSED VALUE, BUT IT CANNOT ADOPT HIGHER RATE. Spanish language interpreters will be available. Please contact Clerk prior to hearing. Please visit County website at for information on advanced online sign-up to speak at hearing or call Clerk’s office at 703-228-3130 to register. A copy of the proposed resolution fixing the real estate tax rate for CY 2025 is on file and available for review by contacting the Office of the Clerk to the County Board at 703-228-3130 weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or by email at Mason Kushnir, Clerk to County Board Ad Run Date: March 13, 2025 AD#91380R |
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TRUSTEE'S SALE 7011 ARLINGTON BLVD FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 In execution of the Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $360,000.00, dated August 27, 2007, and recorded in Deed Book 19536 , Page 2018 and as Instrument Number 2007025569.022 in Fairfax County land records, the appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the front of the Fairfax County Circuit Court (Fairfax County Judicial Center, 4110 Chain Bridge Road), at Fairfax, Virginia 22030 on March 21, 2025 at 2:15 pm , the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and more particularly described as follows: ALL THE FOLLOWING-DESCRIBED LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND TOGETHER WITH IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF FAIRFAX, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA:LOT NO. TWO HUNDRED FIVE (205) OF THE SUBDIVISION OF "SECTION THREE (3), WEST-LAWN", AS SAID SUBDIVISION IS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED BY DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 705, PAGE 79, OF THE LAND RECORDS OF FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA. The property and improvements will be sold in "as is" physical condition without warranty of any kind. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of 10% of the sale price or 10% of the original principal amount of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, by cashier's or certified check required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier's check within 15 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement costs and expenses are purchaser's responsibility. Taxes are pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit may be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was filed, a forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered into or the loan was reinstated or paid off; in any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: RAS Trustee Services, LLC, 101 North Lynnhaven Road, Suite 104, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: RAS Trustee Services, LLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 11350 McCormick Road, Executive Plaza I, Suite 302 Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031 (844) 442-2150 (470) 321- 7112 February 12th, 2025 February 19th, 2025 AD#89865 |
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LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Section 64.2-609 of the Code of Virginia, notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to transfer on or about April 25, 2025 to the Executor of the Estate of Richard John Ward, late of Columbia, Howard County, MD, all cash and securities of said decedent in the possession of the undersigned. Northwest Federal Credit Union By: J Fairfax Estate Account Representative Feb 26, 2025 March 5, 12 & 19, 2025 AD#91036 |
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