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COHN, GOLDBERG & DEUTSCH, LLC 1099 WINTERSON ROAD, SUITE 301 LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090 TRUSTEE FORECLOSURE SALE OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 2834 R STREET SE, UNIT 5 WASHINGTON, DC 20020 The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at the Auctioneer's Gallery of Tidewater Auctions, LLC, Chevy chase Pavilion, 5335 Wisconsin Ave NW Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015 on August 23, 2024 AT 11:00 AM THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully described in a Deed of Trust from Cassava Ground LLC dated December 16, 2022, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia at Instrument Number 2022123733 on December 20, 2022, with an original principal balance of $102,688.00 and an original interest rate of 10.00% per annum with a default rate of 23% per annum, default having occurred under the terms thereof. All that piece or parcel of land, together with the improvements, rights, privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging, situate in the District of Columbia, described as follows, to wit: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Unit 5 in the Condominium known as “2834 “R” STREET, a CONDOMINIUM”, according to the Declaration of Condominium dated July 24, 1989 and recorded February 1, 1990 as Instrument No. 6387, as amended, and the By-Laws of Condominium dated July 24, 1989 and recorded on February 1, 1990 as Instrument No. 6388, as amended, among the Land Records of the District of Columbia, and as per Plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Condominium Book 38 at page 32. TOGETHER WITH an undivided percentage share interest in the Common Elements of said “2834 “R” STREET, A CONDOMINIUM”, as set forth in said Declaration of Condominium and the Exhibits thereto. Said Condominium project is situate on Lot 115 in Square 5584 in the subdivision made by C & C Enterprises, Inc., as per plat recorded in Liber 182 at folio 54 in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia. NOTE: Said property now being known for assessment and taxation purposes as Lot numbered Two Thousand Five (2005) in Square numbered Fifty-five Hundred Eighty-four (5584). TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of the lesser of $13,000.00 or ten percent (10%) of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, in cash, certified check, or other form as Trustees may determine. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within 30 days of the sale. At the Trustees’ discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a corporation or LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of the legal formation of such entity. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees' reasonable attorney fees, plus all costs incurred, if the Trustees have to resell the property. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. In the event of a resale the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to the real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate of 23% per annum from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Trustees. In the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without interest. Richard E. Solomon, et al., Sub. Trustees Tidewater Auctions, LLC (410) 825-2900 Washington Times,8/12, 8/14, 8/16, 8/19, 8/21 CGD File #460968 Ad#85730


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § § 1-211.1,8.01-316,-317, 20-104 Alexandria Circuit Court 520 King Street, Room 307 Alexandria, VA 22314 Case No.: CL24002046 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re Susana Guadalupe Escobar Galindo v. Oscar Geovany Ramos Castillo The object of this suit is to: The plaintiff prays that she be granted a divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the defendant on the ground that the parties have lived separate and apart without cohabitation or interruption since February 2022. It is ORDERED that Oscar Geovany Ramos Castilo appear at the above-named court and protect his/her interests on or before October 7, 2024 DATE:August 15, 2024 Darlene Sourivong Clerk August 22 & 29, 2024 September 5 & 12, 2024 AD#86342


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION 2024 ADM 001046 Estate of Josephine Turner Gist Deceased NOTICE OF STANDARD PROBATE (For estates of decedents dying on or after July 1, 1995) Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by PHH Mortgage Corporation, by Lisa Silva, for standard probate, including the appointment of one or more personal representatives. Unless a responsive pleading in the form of a complaint or an objection in accordance with Superior Court Probate Division Rule 407 is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, the Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. In the absence of a will or proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution, enter an order determining that the decedent died intestate, appoint a supervised personal representative. Date of first publication: September 5, 2024 Name of newspapers: The Washington Times Daily Washington Law Reporter /s/ Sarah Hannan Petitioner/Attorney BWW Law Group LLC 6003 Executive Boulevard Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 301-961-6555 Ext 3811 Phone Number of Petitioner/Attorney sarah.hannan@ /s/ Nicole Stevens Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division September 5,12,19, 2024 Ad#86765


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION 2024 ADM 1000 Estate of Karla Powell-Barbosa Deceased Notice of Standard Probate (For estates of decedents dying on or after July 1, 1995) Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by Robert Leon c/o Rocket Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans, LLC , for standard probate, including the appointment of on or more personal representatives. Unless a responsive pleading in the form of a complaint or an objection in accordance with Superior Court Probate Division Rule 407 is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, the Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. In the absence of a will or proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution, enter an order determining that the decedent died intestate, appoint a supervised personal representative. Date of first publication: August 22, 2024 Name of newspapers: The Washington Times Washington Law Reporter /s/ Jacob W. Deaven Petitioner/Attorney 110 N. Washington Street, Suite 500 Rockville, MD 20850 301-656-5775 Phone Number of Petitioner/Attorney /s/ Nicole Stevens Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division August 22,29, 2024 September 5, 2024 Ad#86345


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ460780-02-00;03-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re VICENTE HERNANDEZ, MADELYN HERNANDEZ CABRERA, NORMA v. VICENTE VICENTE, EDGAR The object of this suit is to: DETERMINE CUSTODY OF VICENTE HERNANDEZ, MADELYN It is ORDERED that the defendant VICENTE VICENTE, EDGAR appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before November 12, 2024 9:50 AM 3B. DATE:august 28, 2024 A.R. CLERK September 5,12,19 & 26, 2024 AD#86766


V I R G I N I A: IN THE FAIRFAX CIRCUIT COURT Fajur Chaudhary COMPLAINANT VS Case #: CL-2024-9406 Muhammad Wali DEFENDANT ORDER OF PUBLICATION The reason for this cause is to obtain a divorce. An affidavit having been made and filed showing that the Defendant in the above-entitled cause is a non-resident individual, other than a non-resident individual fiduciary who has appointed a statutory agent ; and the last known mailing address of the Defendant is as follows: Muhammad Wali Pkotli Behram Street 04, Muhallah Darbar Sharif Sialkot, Pakistan Upon consideration, this Order of Publication is granted, and it is ORDERED that the above named Defendant shall appear here on or before 3rd day of October, 2024 after proper publication of this Order, to protect his/her interest in this cause. Entered:August 8, 2024 TESTE: CHRISTOPHER J. FALCON, CLERK BY: Kaleigh Lawson DEPUTY CLERK Written Answer may be filed in lieu of Court appearance Reply should be received by October 3, 2024 Nathan Fisher Signature of Complainant or Counsel for Complainant 12801 Darby Brook Court, Suite 201 Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703) 494-3323 August 22 & 29, 2024 September 5 & 12, 2024 AD#86433


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ464991-01-00;02-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re ROBLES MEJIA, CHRISTOPHER A ROBLES MEJIA, ELIANA STEFANY v. SOTO FLORES, JIMY ALEXANDER The object of this suit is to: THIS SUIT IS TO DETERMINE THE CUSTODY AND SPECIAL IMMIGRANT JUVENILE STATUS (SIJS) OF ROBLES MEJIA, CHRISTOPHER A It is ORDERED that the defendant SOTO FLORES, JIMY ALEXANDER appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before NOVEMBER 13, 2024 1:40 PM 3D. DATE:August 28, 2024 A.R. CLERK September 5,12,19 & 26, 2024 AD#86768


Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS TECHNOLOGY The Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School located in Washington, DC requests proposals for Technology. Proposals are due 9/6/2024. You can find the detailed request for proposal and submission information at get-involved/jobs/ August 12th thru September 6th, 2024 Ad#86182


COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Va. Code Ann. §§8.01-316 IN THE ALEXANDRIA CIRCUIT COURT 18th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF VIRGINIA IN RE: Brayan Ernesto Salgado Chavarria Case No.: CJ24001089 Rosario Diaz Salgado v. Jose Santos Salgado Viera and Maria Chavarria Portillo ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to determine Custody between the parties and enter Special Immigrant Juvenile Status factual findings regarding the Minor Child, Brayan Ernesto Salgado Chavarria, born February 7, 2006. It is ordered that Appelle, Maria Chavarria Portillo, appear at the above-named Court and protect his interests on or before October 25, 2024 at 9am. ENTERED: August 13, 2024 Rebecca Wade Hon. Judge A Copy Teste: J. Greg Parks, Cler k By Harrison Hart , Deputy Clerk Certified this 16th day of Aug, 2024. I ASK FOR THIS: By:David Sobral Esq. Attorney for Petitioner VA Bar. 77341 Montagut & Sobral PC 5693 Columbia Pike, Ste 201 Falls Church, VA 22041 P: (703)-820-0550F: F: (703)-820-0310 E: dsobral@ August 22 & 29, 2024 September 5 & 12, 2024 AD#86344


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION 2024 ADM 000928 Laurann O'Niel Name of Decedent John Morgan 1900 Gallows Road Suite 700 Tysons Corner, VA 22182 Name and Address of Attorney Notice of Appointment , Notice to Creditors and Notice to Unknown Heirs Joseph Ferris, whose address is 227 N West Street, Portland, MI 48875 was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Laurann O'Niel who died on March 27, 2024 without a Will and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., Building A, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20001, on or before March 5, 2025. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 5, 2025, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication September 5, 2024 Name of newspaper and/or periodical: The Washington Times Daily Washington Law Reporter /s/ Joseph Ferris Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY /s/ Nicole Stevens REGISTER OF WILLS September 5,12,19, 2024 Ad#86767

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