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COHN, GOLDBERG & DEUTSCH, LLC 1099 WINTERSON ROAD, SUITE 301 LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090 TRUSTEE FORECLOSURE SALE OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 3724 S STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20007 The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at the auctioneer's gallery of Tidewater Auctioneers, LLC, Chevy Chase Pavilion, 5335 Wisconsin Ave, NW Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on February 28, 2025 AT 11:00AM THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully described in a Deed of Trust from REMC LLC, dated December 15, 2023 recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia at Instrument Number 2024016206 on February 22, 2024, with an original principal balance of $1,928,119.00, and an original interest rate of 11.99%, with a default rate of 18% default having occurred under the terms thereof. The Land referred to herein below is situated in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, and is described as follows: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lot Forty-two (42) in Square South Thirteen Hundred Eight (S1308) in Huidekoper and Huidekoper, Trustees’ subdivision of Block 138 “BURLEIGH ADDITION TO WEST WASHINGTON”, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor in Liber 71 at Folio 198. The improvements thereon being known a 3724 S Street, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia 20007 (for informational purposes only). The property will be sold by Trustee's Deed “as is” without any covenant, expressed or implied, in fee simple subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of the lesser of $85,000.00 or ten percent (10%) of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, in cash, certified check, or other form as Trustees may determine. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Trustee which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within 30 days of the sale. At the Trustees’ discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a corporation or LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of the legal formation of such entity. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees' reasonable attorney fees, plus all costs incurred, if the Trustees have to resell the property. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. In the event of resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to the real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate of 18% per annum from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Trustees. In the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. The sale is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that upon notification by the Trustees of such event the sale is null and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without interest. Richard E. Solomon, et al., Sub. Trustees Tidewater Auctions, LLC (410) 825-2900 Washington Times,2/17, 2/19, 2/21, 2/24, 2/26 CGD File #:462889 Ad#90307


TRUSTEE'S SALE 2830 W GEORGE MASON ROAD FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 In execution of the Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $389,925.00, dated December 2, 2005, and recorded in Deed Book 18016, Page 1097 and as Instrument Number 2005049782.004 in Fairfax County land records, the appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the front of the Fairfax County Circuit Court (Fairfax County Judicial Center, 4110 Chain Bridge Road), at Fairfax, Virginia 22030 on April 07, 2025 at 12:30 PM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and more particularly described as follows: LOT 179, SECTION 1, GREENWAY DOWNS, AS THE SAME APPEARS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK B-10 AT PAGE 33, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA. The property and improvements will be sold in "as is" physical condition without warranty of any kind. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of 10% of the sale price or 10% of the original principal amount of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, by cashier's or certified check required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier's check within 15 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement costs and expenses are purchaser's responsibility. Taxes are pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit may be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was filed, a forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered into or the loan was reinstated or paid off; in any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: RAS Trustee Services, LLC, 101 North Lynnhaven Road, Suite 104, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: RAS Trustee Services, LLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 11350 McCormick Road, Executive Plaza I, Suite 302 Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031 (844) 442-2150 (470) 321- 7112 March 3rd, 2025 March 10th, 2025 AD#90312


V I R G I N I A: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY JAMES W. FREEMAN AND GERALENE E. THOMAS-FREEMAN, A MARRIED COUPLE and MARK A. THOMAS, JR., TRUSTEE OF THE MARK A. THOMAS, JR., LIVING TRUST And ALLEN A. THOMAS, TRUSTEE OF THE ALLEN A. THOMAS LIVING TRUST And GERALENE E. THOMAS, TRUSTEE OF THE GERALENE E. THOMAS LIVING TRUST Complainants, vs. CL23-2291 THE UNKNOWN OR UNLOCATABLE HEIRS OF ALICE TYLER HILL SERVE: BY PUBLICATION Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION The purpose of this cause is to remove cloud/quiet title by declaration of adverse possession to real estate located in Prince William County located at: 12205 Nokesville Road, Bristow, Virginia 20136 (containing 3.0678 acres); GPIN 7594-15-2239 in Prince William County; 12163 Nokesville Road, Bristow, Virginia 20136; GPIN 7594-15-6371 (a 1.79302-acre portion);both as deeded among the Plaintiffs in Instrument number 200912140118384 recorded in the Land Records of Prince William County, Virginia (“Property”). An affidavit having been made and filed showing that the following Defendants in the above-entitled cause: ANY UNKNOWN OR UNLOCATABLE HEIRS OF ALICE TYLER HILL. Set out in the pleading are persons, by the general description of “Unknown or unlocatable Heirs of Alice Tyler Hill” are deemed interested in the subject to be divided or disposed of; and the nature of such interest is described as an action to remove cloud/quiet title by declaration of adverse possession to real estate located in Prince William County; And no mailing address for the Defendants is known. V I R G I N I A: IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY Upon consideration, this Order of Publication is granted, and it is ORDERED that the above named Defendants: The Unknown Heirs of Alice Tyler Hill shall be served by Publication in the The Washington Times as required by Code one (1) time a week for four (4) successive weeks and the said Defendants shall file a written answer to the Complaint on or before the 21 day of March, 2025 after proper publication of this Order, to protect their interest in this cause. ENTERED this 30th day of January, 2025. Jacqueline C. Smith; Esq CLERK, PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, VIRGINIA BY: Ana I. Seger Senior Deputy Clerk Circuit Court-Civil Division I ASK FOR THIS: Timothy M. Purnell VSB# 40870 Purnell, McKennett & Menke, PC 9214 Center St., Suite 101 Manassas, Virginia 20110 (703) 368-9196 (703) 361-0092 (facsimile) Counsel for Complainants February 5,12,19 & 26, 2025 AD#90450


V I R G I N I A: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY IN RE: THE ESTATE OF GRACE M. ARMENTROUT CHANDA D. ARMENTROUT ANDES CARRI E ANN BRADY MARTHA JEAN ARMENTROUT Plaintiffs, v. CL23-2291 HEIRS OF GRACE M. ARMENTROUT HEIRS OF PRESTON LEE CROUCH AND THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF PRESTON LEE CROUCH, JR. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ROY WAYNE CROUCH THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF RITA ELLEN CROUCH MARTONCIK THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF HILDA ANN CROUCH HURT Defendants. And RONALD CROUCH ERNEST CROUCH GORDON CROUCH MILTON DALE CROUCH SR. THOMAS ELMO CROUCH RUTH BEACH NORMA JEAN RISHEL DALE Defendants, AMENDED ORDER OF PUBLICATION THIS DAY came Donald E. Coulter, Counsel for Plaintiffs, Heirs of Grace M. Armentrout and Preston Lee Crouch, pursuant to Virginia Code Section 8.01-316(A)(3) of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and requested that an Order of Publication be authorized; it further appearing That the object of this proceeding is to effectuate the Complaint to the will by your Plaintiffs, Chanda D. Armentrout Andes, Carrie Ann Brady and Martha Jean Armentrout, through their counsel, against your Defendants, Preston Lee Crouch, Jr., Roy Wayne Crouch, Hilda Ann Crouch Hurt and Rita Ellen Crouch Martoncik and their unknown heirs and, IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that an Affidavit for Order of Publication having been made and filed and that due diligence has been used by and on behalf of Counsel for Plaintiffs, Chanda D. Armentrout Andes, Carrie Ann Brady and Martha Jean Armentrout, herein to ascertain the names and/or the whereabouts of the Defendants, Preston Lee Crouch, Jr., Roy Wayne Crouch, Hilda Ann Crouch Hurt and Rita Ellen Crouch Martoncik and their unknown heirs; it is therefore; ADJUDGED, ORDERED AND DECREED that Defendants, Preston Lee Crouch, Jr., Roy Wayne Crouch, Hilda Ann Crouch Hurt and Rita Ellen Crouch Martoncik and their unknown heirs, appear on or before the 28th day of March 202 5, in the Clerk’s Office of this Court; to-wit: Prince William County Circuit Court, 9311 Lee Ave. Manassas VA 20110 and do what is necessary to protect their interest(s) to the will, for admittance to probate, that the Court provide Aid and Direction to your Executor with respect to the disposition of the bequest designated for the benefit of Preston Lee Crouch, Jr. Roy Wayne Crouch, Hilda Ann Crouch Hurt and Rita Ellen Crouch Martoncik; it is further ENTERED this 6th day of February, 2025. Jacqueline C. Smith; Esq Clerk of the Circuit Court of Prince William County Circuit Court BY: Cynthia Whitley I ASK FOR THIS: Donald E. Coulter (VSB #14886) PURNELL, McKENNETT & MENKE, P.C. Counsel for Chanda D. Armentrout Andes, Carrie Ann Brady and Martha Jean Armentrout, Heirs and Living Children of Grace M. Armentrout 9214 Center Street, Suite 101 Manassas, Virginia 20110 Tel: (703) 368-9196 Fax: (703) 361-0092 Email: dcoulter@ February 17 & 24, 2025 March 3 & 10, 2025 AD#90724


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND Jeffrey Nadel Scott Nadel 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 200 Calverton, MD 20705 Substitute Trustees Plaintiff Civil No. C-16-CV-24-001265 Angela M. Thompson-Shell 1911 Ray Leonard Road Hyattsville, MD 20785 Defendant(s) NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 26th day of February, 2025, by the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported, will be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 28th day of March, 2025, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in a daily newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 28th day of March, 2025. The Report of Sale states the amount of the foreclosure sale price to be $213,600.00, The property sold herein is known as 1911 Ray Leonard Road, Hyattsville, MD 20785. /s/ Mahasin El Amin #723 Clerk of the Circuit Court FILED: February 26, 2025 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Prince George's COUNTY, MD Attorney: LAW OFFICES OF JEFFREY NADEL 4041 POWDER MILL RD, SUITE 200 CALVERTON, MD 20705 240-473-5000 File Number: 23522 Publish in The Washington Times Ad No.91193 March 3, 10 & 17, 2025


BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555 COURT APPOINTED TRUSTEE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 2015 37th Street, SE, Unit #102 Washington, DC 20020 In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia's Order/Decree in Case #2023-CAB-004765 the Trustees will offer for sale at public auction the real property located at 2015 37th Street, SE, Unit #102, Washington, DC, 20020, designated as being Square 5671, Lot 2028, and as more fully described in the Deed of Trust dated August 17, 2007, which is recorded as Instrument #2007114312 in the Land Records of the District of Columbia. The sale will occur within the offices of Alex Cooper Aucts., Inc., 4910 Massachusetts Ave., NW #100, Washington, DC 20016, 202-364-0306 on THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2025 AT 11:25 AM The property, in fee simple, together with all improvements thereon, will be sold by Trustee’s deed, in “as is” condition, subject to conditions, restrictions, and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. The sale will be subject to ratification by the Court. TERMS OF SALE : A deposit of $20,000, in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or money order, will be required of the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Trustee, which shall be announced at sale. The sale is subject to ratification by the Court. The balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Trustees, to be paid in certified funds within 30 days of final ratification of the sale by the Court. There will be no abatement of interest for the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement, or in the event settlement is delayed for any reason whatsoever. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. If purchaser fails or refuses to settle within the aforesaid time frame, the deposit will be forfeited and the Trustees may apply the deposit toward costs, fees, and their compensation associated with the initial auction and the resale process, with any remaining amount credited to the underlying debt. Additionally, if the purchaser fails to timely settle, the Trustees may file a motion to resell the property, and the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees’ reasonable attorney fees as ordered by the Court in connection with said motion. The purchaser also waives personal service of any paper and Show Cause Order in connection with a motion to resell, expressly agrees to accept service by certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by the purchaser on the documents executed at the time of the sale, and agrees that such service is complete upon mailing and that actual receipt of said mailings is not required. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Real estate taxes are adjusted for the fiscal year in which the property is sold through the date of the sale, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All other public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale to be paid by the purchaser. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Court Appointed Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Superior Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BWW#: 93652-3 Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Court Appointed Trustees Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26 (Serial #521888) Ad#90335




IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND Jeffrey Nadel Scott Nadel 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 200 Calverton, MD 20705 Substitute Trustees Plaintiff Civil No. CAEF22-20308 Alvin Caesar Monique Caesar 16212 Marsham Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Defendant(s) NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 26th day of February, 2025, by the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, that the sale of the property mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported, will be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 28th day of March, 2025, provided a copy of this notice be inserted in a daily newspaper printed in said County, once in each of three successive weeks before the 28th day of March, 2025. The Report of Sale states the amount of the foreclosure sale price to be $454,700.00, The property sold herein is known as 16212 Marsham Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. /s/ Mahasin El Amin #723 Clerk of the Circuit Court FILED: February 26, 2025 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Prince George's COUNTY, MD Attorney: LAW OFFICES OF JEFFREY NADEL 4041 POWDER MILL RD, SUITE 200 CALVERTON, MD 20705 240-473-5000 File Number: 300530 Publish in The Washington Times Ad No.91192 March 3, 10 & 17, 2025


TRUSTEE'S SALE 5764 Laurel Glen Court, Manassas, VA 20112 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE . In execution of the Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $320,000.00 dated January 12, 2006, and recorded as Instrument No. 200601190009427, of the Prince William County land records, the appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the front of the building housing the Prince William County Circuit Court, 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, Virginia 20110, on March 11, 2025, at 3:45pm , the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and more particularly described as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate in Prince William County, Virginia, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, more particularly described as follows: Lot 733, Occoquan Oaks, Section Seven, Prince William County, Virginia, as set forth in the plat of subdivision recorded in Deed Book 1108, at Page 696 of the land records of Prince William County, Virginia. Tax ID #: 8094-22-2190 The property and improvements will be sold in “as is” physical condition without warranty of any kind. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of 10% of the sale price or 10% of the original principal amount of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, by cashier’s or certified check, required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier’s check within 15 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor’s tax, all settlement costs and expenses are purchaser’s responsibility. Taxes are pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit may be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit by the Substitute Trustee of the conduct of the auction itself as well as the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to, determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was filed, a forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered into or the loan was reinstated or paid off; in any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: Lenox Title Trustee Services, LLC, c/o McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite 260, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Lenox Title Trustee Services, LLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Adrian G. Jacobs, Esq. McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite 260 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 Phone: 404.474.7149 Fax: 404.745.8121 MTG File No.: VA2023-00050-3 Run Dates: February 5th, 2025 February 12th, 2025 AD#89825


Law Offices of Jeffrey Nadel 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 200 Calverton, Maryland 20705 240-473-5000 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 2313 Parkside Drive Bowie, MD 20721 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Jodi Neal and Charles Neal, dated October 26, 2005, and recorded in Liber 24234, Folio 622, and modified in Liber 33302 at folio 547 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction at Circuit Court for Prince George’s Co., 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St. on March 4, 2025 at 11:30 AM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND KNOWN AS Lot 23, Block E, Woodmore South, situated in Prince George’s County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust, carrying Tax ID No. 07-0809988. The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, agreements, easements, covenants and rights of way of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale : A deposit of $130,000.00 will be required at the time of sale in the form of cash, certified check, or other form as the Substitute Trustees determine acceptable. No deposit shall be required of the noteholder where the noteholder bids in the property at auction. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, time being of the essence for purchaser. In the event that settlement does not occur within the said ten days, the purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default the Trustees may file a Motion and Order to Resell the property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser, and purchaser(s) hereby consent to entry of such resale order without further notice, in which case the deposit shall be forfeited and all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then readvertise and resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser; or, without reselling the property, the Trustees may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser. Interest to be paid on the purchase money less the stated deposit called for herein, at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of auction to the date funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustee. There shall be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for any reason, including but not limited to exceptions to sale, bankruptcy filings by interested parties, Court administration of the foreclosure or unknown title defects. All taxes, ground rent, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, are to be adjusted to the date of auction and thereafter are to be assumed by the purchaser. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, agricultural transfer tax, if any and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of damage to the property from the date of auction forward. If the Substitute Trustee does not convey title for any reason, including but not limited to the Secured Party executing a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allowing the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee’s prior knowledge, or if the sale is not ratified for any reason including errors made by the Substitute Trustees, the foreclosure sale shall be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy in law or in equity shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Further terms and particulars may be announced at time of sale, and purchaser may be required to execute a Memorandum of Sale at the time of auction. (Matter #23222) Jeffrey Nadel and Scott Nadel, Substitute Trustees Tidewater Auctions, LLC 305 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 105, Towson, Maryland 21204 410-825-2900 Washington Times,2/17, 2/24, 3/3 Ad#90766

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