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TRUSTEE SALE OF 1739 Quietree Drive, Reston, VA 20194 In execution of the Deed of Trust dated July 8, 2021, in the original principal amount of $461,487.00, recorded in Deed Book 27216, page 1976, assigned in Deed Book 28170, page 1278, in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Fairfax, Virginia, default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and at the request of the holder of the note, the undersigned, as Substitute Trustees, either of whom may act, will sell at public auction at the front entrance of the Circuit Court for the County of Fairfax on October 8, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., the property located at the above address and described as Lot 141, Block One-B, Section 41, Reston, County of Fairfax. TERMS: CASH. PROPERTY SOLD AS IS WITH SPECIAL WARRANTY OF TITLE. A deposit of $40,000.00 or 10% of the successful bid amount (whichever is lower) will be required immediately of the successful bidder, in cashier’s check or certified funds only payable to or signed over to “DOLANREID PLLC, TRUSTEE”, balance due within 15 days from date of sale. No personal checks accepted. Sale is subject to post sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower filed for and obtained bankruptcy protection, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, or if trustee is unable to complete the sale, or if it is set aside or not fully completed for any reason except purchaser’s default, the sale shall be null and void, and the purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Upon purchaser’s default, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and costs of the defaulting purchaser. Sale is subject to all prior liens, easements, restrictions, covenants, reservations and conditions, if any, of record, as well as inchoate liens and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. Real estate taxes will be adjusted to the date of sale. All costs of conveyance, deed, examination of title, recording charges, grantor’s tax and possession will be at the expense of the purchaser. All risks of casualty immediately pass to the successful bidder. Time is of the essence. Winning bidder must sign a memorandum of sale immediately upon completion of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. Trustee’s affidavit and a copy of the notice of sale available at the foreclosure sale. The opening bid is not announced until the sale. Current sale status available at THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. For Information Contact: DolanReid PLLC and Kelly Hamric, Substitute Trustee(s) 12610 Patrick Henry Dr., Ste. D, Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 320-0255 Publish On: September 6th, 2024 September 13th, 2024 AD#85922


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No: JJ460361-04-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re MAGANA, MARIA JOSE URRUTIA The object of this suit is to: TO HOLD A PERMANENCY PLANNING HEARING, PURSUANT TO VA. CODE 16.1-282.1, AND APPROVE A FOSTER CARE PLAN WITH THE GOAL OF RETURN HOME, RELATIVE PLACEMENT FOSTER CARE, OR ADOPTION. IF THE GOAL OF ADOPTION IS APPROVED, TERMINATION OF YOUR RESIDUAL PARENTAL RIGHTS WILL BE SOUGHT, PURSUANT TO VA CODE 16.1-282. It is ORDERED that UNKNOWN FATHER appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before September 23, 2024 1:30 PM 3A. DATE July 15, 2024 Sene Nigatu CLERK August 1,8,15 & 22, 2024 AD#85823


VA ABC VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL AUTHORITY 804.213.4400 7450 Freight Way, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 PO Box 3250, Mechanicsville, VA 23116 POSTING AND PUBLISHING PUBLISHING NOTICE Full name(s) of owner(s): Japomen Group Inc Trading as: Japomen 2676 Avenir PL., Suite J Vienna (city/town) Fairfax County, VA 22180 The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) AUTHORITY for a Restaurant, Beer and Wine On and Off Premises & Mixed Beverage license to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages Peter Hyo Jin Yoo, President NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at or (800) 552-3200. Run Dates: August 23rd, 2024 August 30th, 2024 AD#86511


V I R G I N I A: FAIRFAX CIRCUIT COURT IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME FOR MINOR CHILD Case No. CL-2024-11646 FROM: Amayah Michelle Foster (CURRENT LEGAL NAME OF CHILD) TO: Amayah Michelle Jones (NEW NAME REQUESTING) ORDER OF PUBLICATION The reason for this cause is to obtain name change for minor child. An affidavit having been made and filed showing that the Natural Parent in the above-entitled cause is Cannot be found, and that diligence has been used without effect to ascertain the location of the party to be served; and last known mailing address of Natural Father/Mother is as follows: Matthew Antonio Foster Unknown Upon consideration, this Order of Publication is granted, and it is ORDERED that the above named Natural Parent shall appear here on or before 17th day of October, 2024 after proper publication of this Order, to protect his/her interest in this cause. ENTERED: August 15, 2024 TESTE: CHRISTOPHER J. FALCON CLERK BY : Kaleigh Lawson DEPUTY CLERK Written Answer may be filed in lieu of Court appearance Reply should be received by October 17, 2024 Karla Rodriguez Signature of Petitioner or Counsel for Petitioner 7111 Rock ridge Lane Apt C Alexandria, VA 23215 (703) 599-3506 September 6,13, 20 & 27, 2024 AD#


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ464482-01-00;02-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re PEREZ LOPEZ, JONATHAN S LOPEZ DE PEREZ, ZOILA v. PEREZ RECINOS, JONATHAN The object of this suit is to: CUSTODY AND VISITATION OF MINOR CHILD. It is ORDERED that the defendant PEREZ RECINOS, JONATHAN appear at the above-named court and protect his or her interests on or before September 26, 2024 10:00 AM 3F, DATE: July 24, 2024 SR CLERK August 1,8,15 & 22, 2024 AD#85868


LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following vessel has apparently been abandoned for more than 12 months on the property of: James Creek Marina at 200 V St SW, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 554-8844. Description of vessel : Hull ID number: CRSUSA46E394 Manufacturer : Cruisers Yachts, Length: 30ft Year built : 1994. Application for the title and/or registration will be made in accordance with the Regulations of the DC Harbor Patrol if this vessel is not claimed and removed from the property listed above within 30 days of this notice. Notice is further given that failure to claim the vessel will constitute a waiver of all rights, title, and interest in the vessel. August 23, 2024 Ad#86515


TRUSTEE SALE OF 1641 N. Van Dorn Street, Unit A, Alexandria, VA 22304 In execution of the Deed of Trust dated November 30, 2022, in the original principal amount of $409,447.00, recorded as Inst. 220015565, assigned as Inst. 230009182, modified to the amount of $327,489.75 as Inst. 230011250, in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria, Virginia, default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and at the request of the holder of the note, the undersigned, as Substitute Trustees, either of whom may act, will sell at public auction at the front entrance of the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria on October 10, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., the property located at the above address and described as Codominium Unit No. 1641-A, Parkside at Alexandria. TERMS: CASH. PROPERTY SOLD AS IS WITH SPECIAL WARRANTY OF TITLE. A deposit of $30,000.00 or 10% of the successful bid amount (whichever is lower) will be required immediately of the successful bidder, in cashier’s check or certified funds only payable to or signed over to “DOLANREID PLLC, TRUSTEE”, balance due within 15 days from date of sale. No personal checks accepted. Sale is subject to post sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower filed for and obtained bankruptcy protection, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, or if trustee is unable to complete the sale, or if it is set aside or not fully completed for any reason except purchaser’s default, the sale shall be null and void, and the purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Upon purchaser’s default, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and costs of the defaulting purchaser. Sale is subject to all prior liens, easements, restrictions, covenants, reservations and conditions, if any, of record, as well as inchoate liens and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. Real estate taxes will be adjusted to the date of sale. All costs of conveyance, deed, examination of title, recording charges, grantor’s tax and possession will be at the expense of the purchaser. All risks of casualty immediately pass to the successful bidder. Time is of the essence. Winning bidder must sign a memorandum of sale immediately upon completion of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. Trustee’s affidavit and a copy of the notice of sale available at the foreclosure sale. The opening bid is not announced until the sale. Current sale status available at THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. For Information Contact: DolanReid PLLC and Kelly Hamric, Substitute Trustee(s) 12610 Patrick Henry Dr., Ste. D, Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 320-0255 Publish On: September 6th, 2024 September 13th, 2024 AD#85924


There is now pending before the District of Columbia Superior Court a civil action, case number 2023-CAB-001421 seeking to affect title to the property now or formerly owned by the Defendant Ronald Carter, located at 2845 Denver St., SE, Unit T4, Washington, DC 20020. A copy of the action is available in the Clerk's office of the Court. A written answer, including any claims or defenses, must be filed with the District of Columbia Superior Court Civil Branch, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before the 7th day of November 2024. Run Dates: August 14th, 2024 August 21st, 2024 August 28th, 2024 A D#86229


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Charter of the City of Fairfax, Virginia, and applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the Board of Equalization of Real Estate Assessments (Board) of the City of Fairfax, Virginia will meet as needed on October 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, and 31 2024; November 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 27 2024; December 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, and 30, 2024 at City Hall in room 100, room 111, or substituted room for the purpose of hearing complaints and grievances of the property owners in connection with the reassessment of real estate in the City of Fairfax for tax year 2024. Pursuant to the City of Fairfax Code, as amended, only those complaints filed in writing prior to July 1, 2024, or later dates as granted in specific cases, will be considered by the Board. Meetings will be held in person, by video and/or audio means as determined by the City. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Real Estate Assessments at 703 385-7840, or by email, at Board of Equalization of Real Estate Assessments City of Fairfax August 23, 2024 Run Date: August 23rd, 2024 AD#86384


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