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Invitation to Comment on a Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Facility Interested persons are invited to comment on the wireless telecommunications project proposed at 9850 Clarks Crossing Road, Vienna, Virginia 22182 (38° 55’ 16.00" N, 77° 17’ 9.00” W) with respect to impacts on, and specifically, the potential effects to, historic properties located at or near this facility, if any. The project will consist of the removal of three existing antennas and the installation of six new antennas and six radios on an existing 102’ utility tower (overall height 119’). Additionally, two hybrid cables are proposed, and two equipment cabinets are proposed to be replaced within the existing equipment compound. Comments regarding potential effects to historic properties should be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to Mr. Andrew Fleming at 8610 Washington Boulevard, Suite 217, Jessup, MD 20794, (301) 776-0500, or . This notice is provided in accordance with regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, 47 C.F.R. Part 1, Subpart I and Appendices B. February 14. 2025 Ad#90701


GLOBAL CITIZENS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CONSULTANT PROPOSAL FOR COMPREHENSIVE AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Global Citizens Public Charter School (Global Citizens) is seeking a Consultant for Comprehensive Agricultural Services. The school is actively seeking to acquire or lease a development site in Ward 7 of Washington, DC, which will require redevelopment to fit program needs. At the time of the RFP, a site has not been determined. The new facility will be approximately 50,000 – 60,000 square feet to serve Pre-K- 5th grade age students, facility, and staff. The consultant should be prepared to provide support in all phases of the project, which are outlined in the proposal. To retrieve a full copy of the Request for Consultant Proposal, please email Sean Flora (Chief of Staff) at . All submissions are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 28, 2025. February 28, 2025 Ad#90905


GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Office of Contracting and Procurement PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT The Government of the District of Columbia is soliciting electronic bids or proposals for the following : CAPTION : FY25 Design Services for the Restoration of the Pinehurst Stream The District of Columbia (“District”) Office of Contracting and Procurement (“OCP”), on behalf of Department of Energy and Environment (“DOEE”) is seeking a qualified contractor to advance the Environmental Assessment and Designs for the Pinehurst Branch Stream & Wetland Restoration Project (the Project). The requirements set forth herein contain the entire Project. Work shall be performed in accordance with the District of Columbia 2013 Stormwater Management Rule, DC Stormwater Management Guidebook (2020), DC Water Standards and Specifications (2018), DDOT’s Design and Engineering Manual (2019), and the National Environmental Policy Act. MARKET TYPE : OPEN ADVERTISING : Friday, February 14, 2025 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: RFP NUMBER : Doc754121 CLOSING DATE : Friday, March 14, 2025 CLOSING TIME : 2:00 PM DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT: OCP WEBSITE ADDRESS: WWW.OCP.DC.GOV February 14, 2025 Ad#90675


GLOBAL CITIZENS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CONSULTANT PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES Global Citizens Public Charter School (Global Citizens) is seeking a General Contractor to provide preconstruction services. The General Contractor should anticipate providing cost information that will inform the Owner of the future Guaranteed Maximum Price for the project based on different design stages. The General Contractor will also be critical to establishing a viable project schedule for project execution after the project has completed the entitlements process. The General Contractor should also be prepared to provide budgeting, constructability reviews, and value engineering input at each of the milestones outlined in the request. design milestones. To retrieve a full copy of the Request for Consultant Proposal, please email Sean Flora (Chief of Staff) at . All submissions are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 28, 2025. February 28, 2025 Ad#90904


TRUSTEE'S SALE 18255 MAPLE SPRING CT LEESBURG, VA 20176 In execution of the Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $661,375.00, dated November 10, 2021, and recorded as Instrument Number 20211116-0115185 in Loudoun County land records, the appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the main entrance of the courthouse for the Circuit Court of Loudoun County, 18 E Market St, Leesburg, VA 20178 on April 21, 2025 at 4:45 PM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and more particularly described as follows: LOT 13, SECTION 4, NORTHLAKE, AS THE SAME APPEARS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 1717 AT PAGE 941, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA. The property and improvements will be sold in "as is" physical condition without warranty of any kind. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of 10% of the sale price or 10% of the original principal amount of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, by cashier's or certified check required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier's check within 15 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement costs and expenses are purchaser's responsibility. Taxes are pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit may be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was filed, a forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered into or the loan was reinstated or paid off; in any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: RAS Trustee Services, LLC, 101 North Lynnhaven Road, Suite 104, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: RAS Trustee Services, LLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 11350 McCormick Road, Executive Plaza I, Suite 302 Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031 (844) 442-2150 (470) 321- 7112 February 14th, 2025 March 17th, 2025 March 24th, 2025 AD#90707


KIPP DC PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOLS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Event Catering Services KIPP DC is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for Event Catering Services. The RFP can be found on KIPP DC’s website at . Questions should be addressed to . Proposals should be uploaded to the website no later than 5:00 PM EST on March 11, 2025. February 28, 2025 Ad#90909


INSPIRED TEACHING DEMONSTRATION PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Chromebook Devices and Management Console Licenses ITDS requests proposals for the purchasing of 50-500 Chromebooks as well as a corresponding number of Google Chrome OS Management Console Licenses. The full RFP can be requested by contacting . Deadline for submission is 5:00pm on Friday, February 28, 2025 . Submissions should be sent to Timothy Street, Manager of IT at with CHROMEBOOKS RFP in the subject line. February 14, 2025 Ad#90653


ARLINGTON COUNTY, VIRGINA PUBLIC NOTICE The following items will be heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 7:00 pm. This is a hybrid public meeting to be held in Room 307, 2100 Clarendon Boulevard and available to the public through electronic communication means. To join the meeting virtually, members of the public may access the Microsoft Teams meeting via the hyperlink posted online at, or call 347-973-6905 and use the Phone Conference ID: 389 095 972# ABOUT THIS PUBLIC HEARING  This meeting is open to public viewing and participation. The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) will consider the listed applications for Variances and Use Permits to modify placement or other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the Appendix of the Arlington Co. Code and Appeals of Administrative decisions or determinations made pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. Applications and agenda may be viewed online at In-person viewing of applications at County offices is available at the Permit Arlington Center (2100 Clarendon Boulevard, 1st floor) between 9 AM – 3 PM Monday through Thursday (9 AM – 12 PM on the third Wednesday of each month). Please contact Zoning Division staff at 703-228-3883 with any questions about the operating hours of the Permit Arlington Center. 1. V-12008-24-VA-2 (Carryover & Revised): A variance request at 2255 S. Kent St. (Arlington Ridge). 2. V-12009-24-UP-1 (Carryover & Revised): A use permit request at 2255 S. Kent St. (Arlington Ridge). 3. V-12016-24-UP-1 (Carryover & Revised): A use permit request at 1610 N. Monroe St. (Cherrydale). 4. V-12030-24-VA-1: A variance request at 5119 Yorktown Boulevard (Yorktown). 5. V-12031-25-VA-1: A variance request at 1137 N. Stuart St. (Ballston-Virginia Square). 6. V-12032-25-UP-1: A use permit request at 5332 2nd St. N. (Arlington Forest). 7. V-12033-25-UP-1: A use permit request at 1536 N. Jefferson St. (Westover Village). 8. V-12034-24-UP-1: A use permit request at 531 S. Jefferson St. (Glencarlyn). 9. V-12035-25-UP-1: A use permit request at 716 24th St. S. (Aurora Highlands). Administrative Portion 10. V-12021-24-APP-1 (Carryover for nonpayment): Unpaid application for 1013 17th St. S. (Arlington Ridge). 11. ZAPP24-00016: Incomplete application for 1225 N. Quincy St. & 5041/5043 25th St. S. (Ballston-Virginia Square & Claremont). Meg Ryan, Acting Board of Zoning Appeals Coordinator Advertising Dates: February 28th, 2025 March 7th, 2025 AD#91105


NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : Self-storage Cube contents will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC to satisfy a lien for rental on 3-05-2025 at approx. 3:00PM at Locations: 593 - 3750 Donnell Drive, District Heights, MD 20746 402 - 1850 New York AVE NE, Washington, DC 20002 Run Date: February 14th, 2025 AD#90714


NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact/Finding of No Practicable Alternative for Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling IDP Projects Unique ID#: PEAX-007-57-UAF-1727349364P Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) announces the availability of a Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the potential effects to the human and natural environment associated with implementing 10 projects identified in the five-year Installation Development Plan (IDP) Update at JBAB. The EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 40 C.F.R. 1500-1508, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA; and the Air Force’s Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) as codified in 32 CFR Part 989. The Programmatic EA evaluates the potential effects of two action alternatives and a No Action Alternative. Additionally, JBAB has evaluated this action in accordance with Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, and believes there is no practicable alternative to construction within the floodplain. The Draft Programmatic EA and Draft FONSI/FONPA are available for review for 30 days on the JBAB website at Written comments may be submitted by mail to 1314 Harwood Street SE, Building 212, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374 or emailed to Comments must be received or postmarked by 11:59pm on March 30, 2025, for consideration in the Final EA. Run date: February 28th, 2025 March 3rd, 2025 AD#90963

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