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TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 8298 SHIMMERING ROCK ROAD, GAINESVILLE, VA 20155. In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated December 19, 2005, in the original principal amount of $647,060.00 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Prince William County, Virginia as Instrument No. 200512200217253. The undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Prince William County, 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, Virginia, on October 2, 2024, at 9:45 AM, the property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: LOT 8, NEW DOMINION HUNT ESTATES, AS THE SAME IS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT #200407090115822 AND PLAT RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT #200407090115823, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser may, if provided by the terms of the Trustee’s Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled to a $50 cancellation fee from the Substitute Trustee, but shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at Additional terms, if any, to be announced at the sale and the Purchaser may be given the option to execute the contract of sale electronically. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229. For more information contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555, website: . VA-40255-2. August 27, 2024 September 3, 2024 AD#85835


TRUSTEE'S SALE 205 Yoakum Parkway #216 Alexandria, VA 22304 In execution of the Deed of Trust dated September 7, 2006 and recorded on September 21, 2006 in Instrument # 060025200 of the City of Alexandria land records, Trustee Services of Virginia, LLC, the appointed Substitute Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction at the front of the Alexandria City Court House (520 King Street), at Alexandria, Virginia on September 25, 2024 at 11:00 AM the property more particularly described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust, located at the property address listed below and briefly identified as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, AND APPURTENANCES THERETO BELONGING, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 2-216 OF WATERGATE AT LANDMARK CONDOMINIUM, CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, AND THE LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS ATTACHED THERETO, PURSUANT TO THE DECLARATION RECORDED AT DEED BOOK 806, AT PAGE 38, CITY OF ALEXANDRIA LAND RECORDS, AND PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 825, PAGE 519, AND ANY AND ALL SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS THERETO, AMONG THE SAID LAND RECORDS. THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON BEING KNOWN AS 205 YOAKUM PARKWAY #216. Tax No.: 056.04-0B-2.0216 Property address: 205 Yoakum Parkway #216, Alexandria, VA 22304 The property will be sold "AS IS," WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, covenants, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust, if any. Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 55.1-321(A2), if the property is being sold subject to another priority security instrument(s), purchaser must certify that purchaser shall pay off any priority security instrument(s) no later than 90 days from the date the trustee’s deed conveying the property being sold is recorded in the land records. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of $6,500.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is less, by cashier's or certified check required at time of sale, except for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss is on the purchaser from date and time of auction. Balance of the purchase price must be paid by cashier's check within 14 days from sale date. Except for Virginia Grantor tax, all settlement costs and expenses are purchaser's responsibility. Taxes are pro-rated to the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the property. If purchaser defaults, deposit may be forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees of both sales. If Trustee does not convey title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a forbearance, repayment, or other agreement was entered into, the loan was reinstated or paid off, or whether the property became subject to an automatic stay under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale; in any such event this sale shall be null and void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, this law firm is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. (22-08212) FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC (Attorney for TRUSTEE SERVICES OF VIRGINIA, LLC) 484 Viking Drive, Suite 203 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757) 213-2959 August 5th, 2024 August 12th, 2024 August 19th, 2024 August 26th, 2024 AD#85731


COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA In re: Paola Gabriela Marquez Moreno Salome Marque Morano, Plaintiff CASE NO. CJ24001071 v. Pablo Cabrera, Defendant; Haydee del Carmen Marquez Moreno, deceased, Defendant. ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to petition for custody of Paola Gabriela Marquez Moreno and request specific findings of fact. It is ordered that Pablo Cabera, Putative Father, appear at the Alexandria Circuit Court, 520 King Street, Alexandria Virginia 22314, and protect his interests on or before October 11, 2004 . Plaintiff's request for an order of publication is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that this Order of Publication be published once a week for four successive weeks in he Washington Times . Publish this Order of Publication for the time specified and send the Certificate of Publication and the bill to: Kind in Need of Defense ATTN: Lauren T. Wert, Esq. 2701 Prosperity Ave, Suite 405 Fairfax, VA 22031 ENTERED THIS 8TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2024. Rebecca Wade HONORABLE JUDGE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA CIRCUIT COURT A Copy Teste: J. Greg Parks, Clerk By Harrison Hart Deputy Clerk Certified this 9th day of Aug, 2024 August 15,22 &29, 2024 September 5, 2024 AD#86278


TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 8103 MARTHA WASHINGTON STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22309. In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated July 22, 2005, in the original principal amount of $188,755.71 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Fairfax County, Virginia, in Book 17569 at Page 1021 as Instrument No. 2005030331.005. The undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Fairfax County, 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA, on October 2, 2024, at 11:45 AM, the property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE: LOT NUMBER FORTY-SEVEN (47) OF THE SUBDIVISION OF `MT. VERNON WOODS, SECTION THREE`, AS THE SAME APPEARS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED AMONG THE FAIRFAX COUNTY LAND RECORDS BY DEED OF DEDICATION DATED MAY 2, 1950 AND RECORDED MAY 5, 1950, IN DEED BOOK 762 AT PAGE 457. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser may, if provided by the terms of the Trustee’s Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled to a $50 cancellation fee from the Substitute Trustee, but shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at Additional terms, if any, to be announced at the sale and the Purchaser may be given the option to execute the contract of sale electronically. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229. For more information contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555, website: . VA-335021-6. August 27, 2024 September 3, 2024 AD#85834


TOWN OF VIENNA, VIRGINIA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to action of the Vienna Town Council at its regular meeting of August 26, 2024 and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, the following list of Real Estate Taxes are unpaid on the books of the Town Treasurer, revised as of August 26, 2024, and are deemed delinquent. It should be noted that in the interim period some taxes may have been paid. If any taxes appearing on the following list have been paid, please contact the Finance Department, Town of Vienna, at (703) 255-6325. THE TAX AMOUNT DOES NOT REFLECT PENALTY AND INTEREST. TOWN OF VIENNA LIST OF DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAXES Revised 08/26/24 NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY MAP NUMBER 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019-2015 TOTAL _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bailey, Thomas Edsel 1,706.23 1,721.98 1,708.64 1,687.61 2,711.06 9,535.52 Bailey, Susan R 434 Old Courthouse Rd NE 0293 10 0014 Bilidas, George ET UX 1,850.86 1,764.64 1,884.80 2,087.55 9,774.75 17,362.60 Cholakis, Louis ET UX 0383 13 0004 Cousins, Lucy E 1,330.95 1,267.37 1,282.94 1,237.88 2,394.64 7,513.78 500 Kingsley Rd SW 0482 03 2000 Feijo, Neto Kilamba Paulo 2,544.79 2,544.79 825 Ninovan Rd SE 0384 02 0228B Mcadory, Florida 1,462.54 1,462.54 300 Valeview Ct NW 0383 27 0001 Owens, Patricia D 486.21 501.12 65.38 1,052.71 210 Park Terrace Ct Unit 64 0384 52 0064 Park Street LLC 3,088.63 3,088.63 115 Park St SE 0384 02 0132 Toler, Patricia Angela 1,621.39 1,621.39 502 Ridge Rd SW 0384 08D 0002 Yu, Xiaoping 468.51 468.51 210 Park Terrace Ct Unit 65 0384 52 0065 TOTALS 14,560.11 5,255.11 4,941.76 5,013.04 14,880.45 44,650.47 Run Date: September 11, 2024 Ad#86901


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND JAMES KOON MOY Plaintiff, VS Case #: C-15-FM-23-006474 JUM SOON CHOI Defendant. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Plaintiff, James Koon Moy filed a Complaint for Absolute Divorce on October 16, 2023 and an Amended Complaint for Absolute Divorce on March 15, 2024 with the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. The Amended Complaint alleges, in substance that the parties were married on December 11, 2013 in Nevada; that the parties separated on December 12, 2013, have continued to live separate for more than one (1) year prior to the filing of the complaint; there are no property issues; and that no children were born of the marriage. Plaintiff requests an absolute divorce. It is this 25th day of June, 2024, ORDERED, that the plaintiff cause a copy of this notice to be published at least once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in Fairfax County, Virginia where the Defendant is believed to have last resided; publication to be completed by August 20, 2024; Defendant must file a response on or before September 30, 2024; Defendant is warned that failure to file a response within the time allowed may result in a default judgment or the granting of the relief sought. Karen A. Bushell, Clerk Clerk of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland Filed July 26, 2024 Clerk of the Circuit Court Montgomery County, Md. Minji Kim 4115 Annandale Rd, Ste 301E Annandale, Virginia 22003 PH:(703) 593-9246 August 5,12 & 19 AD#85994


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ465271-01-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re PINTO BARRERA, LOURDES DE JESU BARRERA RIVERA, SAUDITA v. PINTO CELEDON, ARMANDO The object of this suit is to: DETERMINE THE CUSTODY OF LOURDES DE JESUS PINTO BARRERA It is ORDERED that the defendant PINTO CELEDON, ARMANDO appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before September 17, 2024 11:40 AM 3C. DATE: August 1, 2024 SR CLERK August 15,22 & 29,2024 September 5, 2024 AD#86237


TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 5504 LEISURE COURT, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22310. In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated December 26, 2007, in the original principal amount of $159,950.00 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Fairfax County, Virginia, in Book 19728 at Page 1049 as Instrument No. 2008000079.010. The undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Fairfax County, 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA, on October 2, 2024, at 11:45 AM, the property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: LOT NUMBERED SEVEN (7), ELMWOOD MANOR, AT THE SAME APPEARS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 4967, PAGE 781 OF THE FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA LAND RECORDS. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser may, if provided by the terms of the Trustee’s Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled to a $50 cancellation fee from the Substitute Trustee, but shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at Additional terms, if any, to be announced at the sale and the Purchaser may be given the option to execute the contract of sale electronically. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229. For more information contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555, website: . VA-370987-1. August 27, 2024 September 3, 2024 AD#85738


There is now pending before the District of Columbia Superior Court a civil action, case number 2023-CAB-002152 seeking to affect title to the property now or formerly owned by Dianne Lewis; June Crenshaw, located at 70 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Unit 301, Washington, DC 20001. A copy of the action is available in the Clerk's office of the Court. A written answer, including any claims or defenses, must be filed with the District of Columbia Superior Court Civil Branch, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before the 27th day of September 2024. Run Dates: September 11th, 2024 September 18th, 2024 September 25th, 2024 A D#86893


TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 8289 COMMUNITY DRIVE, MANASSAS, VA 20109. In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated May 24, 2021, in the original principal amount of $299,475.00 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Prince William County, Virginia as Instrument No. 202105250062977. The undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Prince William County, 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, Virginia, on October 2, 2024, at 9:45 AM, the property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: LOT 7, IRONGATE, SECTION 3, AS THE SAME APPEARS DULY DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 485 AT PAGE 4 72, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA. TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT OF WAY OVER AND ACROSS THE "COMMON GREENS", SHOWN ON THE AFORESAID PLAT PLAN, OR SHOWN ON ANY OTHER PLAT PLAN, DEEDS AND/OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF CONVEYANCE PRESENTLY DULY RECORDED OR DULY RECORDED HEREAFTER AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA, WHEREBY IRONGATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, DERIVES OWNERSHIP OF SAID "COMMON GREENS" IN COMMON WITH THE OWNERS OF OTHER LOTS IN SAID COMMUNITY SUBJECT TO SUCH RULES AND REGULATIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO AS MAY FROM TIME TO TIME BE PRESCRIBED BY THE SAID IRONGATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. A NON-PROFIT VIRGINIA CORPORATION. SAID EASEMENT SHALL TITLE APPURTENANT TO AND PASS WITH FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOT. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOT IS CONVEYED WITH PARTY WALL RIGHTS IN THE EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LOT OR LOTS ADJACENT TO SAID LOT, AND LIKEWISE, IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LOT HEREBY CONVEYED IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO EXISTING PARTY WALL RIGHTS FOR THE PORTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ADJOINING LOT OR LOTS. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO ALL EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD WHICH MAY BE APPLICABLE TO SAID LAND INSOFAR AS THEY MAY LEGALLY APPLY THERETO AND TO THE FOLLOWING: THE SAID PARCEL HEREINABOVE IS HEREBY SUBJECTED TO A MONTHLY MAINTENANCE AND/OR IMPROVEMENTS CHARGE WHICH AMOUNT SHALL BE PAID TO THE IRONGATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, A NON-PROFIT VIRGINIA CORPORATION, OR AS DIRECTED BY ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS. THE SAID AMOUNT TOGETHER WITH ALL AMOUNTS RECEIVED WITH RESPECT TO EACH AND EVERY LOT IN THE IRONGATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTY AND FOR LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE "COMMON GREENS". THE SAID CHARGE MAY BE ADJUSTED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF IRONGATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OR ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, AS THE NEEDS FOR THE PURPOSES HEREINABOVE SET FORTH MAY, IN ITS JUDGMENT REQUIRE. THE SAID CHARGE SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY AND SHALL BE DEEMED TO RUN WITH THE LAND, HOWEVER, SHALL BE SUBJECT AND INFERIOR TO THE LIEN OF ANY FIRST MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST ON THE PROPERTY. IN THE EVENT OF FORECLOSURE, TRUSTEE`S SALE OR OTHER LIKE LEGAL ACTION, THE LIEN FOR SAID CHARGES, ACCRUING PRIOR TO SUCH FORECLOSURE, TRUSTEES SALE, ETC., SHALL BE DISCHARGED AS PROVIDED BY LAW IN THE SAME MANNER AS ANY OTHER LIEN, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT FORECLOSURE, TRUSTEE`S SALE, ETC., SHALL NOT AFFECT THE LIEN FOR SAID CHARGE ACCRUING SUBSEQUENT TO SUCH FORECLOSURE, TRUSTEE`S SALE, ETC. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser may, if provided by the terms of the Trustee’s Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled to a $50 cancellation fee from the Substitute Trustee, but shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at Additional terms, if any, to be announced at the sale and the Purchaser may be given the option to execute the contract of sale electronically. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road, Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229. For more information contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555, website: . VA-371794-1. August 27, 2024 September 3, 2024 AD#85740

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