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V I R G I N I A: IN THE FAIRFAX CIRCUIT COURT Mariano Rustia Albert COMPLAINANT VS Case #: CL-2025-01339 Teorica Botones Norbraten DEFENDANT ORDER OF PUBLICATION The reason for this cause is to obtain a divorce. An affidavit having been made and filed showing that the Defendant in the above-entitled cause is a non-resident individual, other than a non-resident individual fiduciary who has appointed a statutory agent; and the last known mailing address of the Defendant is as follows: Teorica Botones Norbraten 5128 Fawn Crossing Way Antelope, CA 95843 Upon consideration, this Order of Publication is granted, and it is ORDERED that the above named Defendant shall appear here on or before 27th day of March, 2025 after proper publication of this Order, to protect his/her interest in this cause. Entered: January 30, 2025 TESTE: CHRISTOPHER J. FALCON, CLERK BY: Kaleigh Lawson DEPUTY CLERK Written Answer may be filed in lieu of Court appearance Reply should be received by March 27, 2025 Sylvia Sevilla Signature of Complainant or Counsel for Complainant 10627 Jones Street, Suite 201B Fairfax, VA 22030 703-359-4640 February 6,13,20 & 27, 2025 AD#90483


THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSING AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) SOLICITATION NO.: 44-2025 Data Analysis and Management, CRM Integration, and Process Improvement The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) Office of Capital Construction & Design (CCD) and Office Administrative Services (OAS) require licensed, qualified professionals to provide Data Analysis and Management, CRM Integration, and Process Improvement services. SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS will be available beginning Monday, March 3, 2025 , and can be found on Housing Agency Marketplace at: Respondents will then need to log in and locate this RFP for all related documents. It is the Proposers responsibility to check the Housing Agency Marketplace site regularly to stay current on the documents that are available as this is the primary communication site for this RFP. To access files Vendors are required to Register on the Housing Agency marketplace. See the registration link below. DCHA will provide either a live or pre-recorded demonstration for any vendors unfamiliar with the platform. PROPOSAL RESPONSES ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE Monday, March 24, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. Please email LaShawn Mizzell-McLeod, Contract Specialist at for additional information. March 5, 2025 Ad#91271


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ465284-01-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re SARMIENTO BENITEZ, JOSE K WILFREDO HERNANDEZ v. OMAR BENITEZ AND BELINDA SARMIENTO The object of this suit is to: CUSTODY OF JOSE K. SARMIENTO BENITEZ It is ORDERED that the defendant OMAR BENITEZ AND BELINDA SARMIENTO appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before March 5, 2025 1:30 PM #3A. DATE:January 28, 2025 Natika Jones CLERK February 6,13,20 & 27, 2025 AD#90385


TAKE NOTICE The Alexandria City Council will hold a Special Budget Public Hearing Meeting on March 10, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber (301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314) to obtain input on the City Manager's Proposed Annual Operating Budget for FY 2026 (including Schools) and the Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY 2026 to FY 2035 (including Schools CIP), and Proposed Tax Rate Recommendations. For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 703.746.4550. Gloria Sitton City Clerk and Clerk of Council City of Alexandria, Virginia Run Date: March 5th, 2025 AD#91244


V I R G I N I A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA Name Change No. CL24002678 In the matter of the change of name for JENNAH ZOE DOULYAZAL to JENNAH ZOE ABDUL-WALI ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a name change for a minor child. It appearing by affidavit that diligence has been used by the Petitioner to ascertain in what county or city the minor child's father, RIDA ALLAH DOULYAZAL , hereafter referred to as Respondent, currently resides, without effect. It is ORDERED that the Respondent appear before this Court on or before March 10, 2025, and protect his interests herein. AND it is further ORDERED that the above paragraphs be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Washington Times , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Alexandria, Virginia. The Clerk of this Court shall post this Order at the front door of the courthouse, and shall mail a copy of this Order to the Respondent at the address, if any, given in the affidavit of the Petitioner filed herewith. Entered: January 16, 2025 Rebecca Wade Clerk of the Circuit Court A COPY TESTE: J. Greg Parks, Clerk BY Harrison Hart DEPUTY CLERK Certified this 17th day of Jan,2025 I ASK FOR THIS: AIDA ABDUL-WALI Petitioner By Counsel SILIS & ASSOCIATES, PLLC Thomas P. Silis, Va Bar No. 65941 113 South Alfred Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Telephone: (703) 706-0075 Facsimile: (703) 706-0074 Counsel for Petitioner January 23 & 30, 2025 February 6 & 13, 2025 AD#90100


V I R G I N I A: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FAIRFAX COUNTY SARAHI GONZALEZ CELAYA Plainitff VS Case# : CL-2025-983 DANIEL CARDONA CANECO Defendant ORDER OF PUBLICATION The reason for this cause is the filing of a divorce complaint. An affidavit having been made and filed showing that the Defendant in the above-entitled cause is a non-resident individual, other than a non-resident individual fiduciary who has appointed a statutory agent; and the last known mailing address of the Defendant is as follows: Unknown street address Oaxaca, Mexico Upon consideration, this Order of Publication is granted, and it is ORDERED that the above named Defendant shall appear here on or before 27 th day of March, 2025 after proper publication of this Order, to protect his/her interest in this cause. Entered: January 30, 2025 TESTE: Christopher J. Falcon, Clerk BY: Kaleigh Lawson Deputy Clerk Written Answer may be filed in lieu of Court appearance Reply should be received by March 27, 2025 David M Levy Signature of Plaintiff or Counsel for Plaintiff VSB#13403 4010 University Dr. Fairfax, VA 22030 703-277-9751 February 6,13,20 & 27, 2025 AD#90484


FAIRFAX COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MARCH 26, 2025 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Sect. 18-110 of the Zoning Ordinance, that at a meeting of the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) of said County, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2025, at 9:00 A.M. at 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax VA 22035, the BZA will hold public hearings on the following applications at the time indicated. If you have questions, please contact the Special Permit and Variance Branch of the Zoning Evaluation Division, Department of Planning and Development, at (703) 324-1280 or, or review on-line at at least one week prior to the meeting for additional information on the status of the meeting. The meeting will be available to view live on Channel 16 and stream live online at . Live audio of the meeting may be accessed via telephone as noted on the website. All persons wishing to present their views on these subjects may call the Clerk to the Board of Zoning Appeals at 703-324-1280 or register online at to be placed on the Speakers List, and may appear to be heard in person, unless the meeting is electronic, or pre-recorded video. Deadlines by type of testimony are on the website. In addition, written testimony and other submissions will be received at 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 801, Fairfax, 22035 and . The following is a descriptive summary only of the application and may not include every detail. Interested parties may review the application in detail on-line (to search enter the Zoning Case number in the “search box” in the upper right hand corner using dashes where needed) or, may be made available at 12055 Government Center Parkway with advance notice by contacting the Clerk to the Board of Zoning Appeals as listed above. ADA: Reasonable accommodation is available upon 48-hour advance notice. For additional information on ADA call (703) 324-1334 (TTY 711 Virginia Relay Center). 9:00 A.M. - Glorious Child Care LLC and Eric A Ka Fernando, SP 2024-PR-00147 to permit a home day care facility. Located at 9717 Blake Ln. on approx. 23,350 sq. ft. of land zoned R-2. Providence District. Tax Map 48-3 ((3)) 2. 9:00 A.M. - Subhash L. Kari and Reshma S. Kari, SP 2024-PR-00149 to permit a reduction in setback requirements to permit an addition 13.1 ft. from the rear lot line. Located at 2371 Jawed Pl., approx. 7,336 sq. ft. of land zoned R-4 (Cluster). Providence District. Tax Map 39-4 ((57)) 8. 9:00 A.M. - Gladys H. Chian-Reyes, German J. Reyes-Lopez a/k/a German J. Reyes, and Bright Minds Childcare, LLC, SP 2024-SP-00080 to permit a home day care facility and a reduction in setback requirements based on an error in building location to permit an accessory structure (shed) 3.6 ft. from the east side lot line to remain. Located at 4345 Majestic Ln., on approx. 13,600 sq. ft. of land zoned R-3 (Cluster) and WS. Springfield District. Tax Map 45-3 ((2)) (1) 32. 9:00 A.M.- Waldo Reyes Claros and Elizabeth Reyes, SP 2022-LE-00151 to permit an increase in fence height in the front yard adjacent to Bonniemill Lane; and a reduction in setback requirements based on errors in building location to allow a roofed deck (covered porch) with steps to remain 23.5 ft. from the front lot line adjacent to Sterling Grove Dr. and an accessory structure (gazebo) to remain 1.4 ft. from the side lot line. Located at 7101 Sterling Grove Dr., on approx. 12,227 sq. ft. of land zoned R-3. Franconia District. Tax Map 90-3 ((11)) 9. 9:00 A.M. - Trustees of Calvary Hill Baptist Church, SPA 2020-BR-039, to amend SP-2020-BR-039 previously approved for a religious assembly with child care center to allow the addition of a private school and modification to development conditions. Located at 9301 Little River Tpke., on approx. 5.78 ac. of land zoned R-1. Braddock District. Tax Map 58-4 ((1)) 38. 9:00 A.M. - Michael Bruce. ZAPL-2024-DR-00022. An appeal of a Notice of Violation that the appellant has installed freestanding structures (two sports courts, fencing, and light poles) within a minimum required front setback, and that the appellant is operating an unpermitted outdoor commercial recreation use on the referenced property, in violation of Zoning Ordinance provisions. Located at 9511 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, VA 22066. Approx. 1.72 acres of land, zoned R-E, Dranesville District, Tax Map 13-1 ((1)) 71A. March 5th, 2025 March 12th, 2025 AD#91125


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ465969-01-00/ 02-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re FIGUEROA AGUARE, ILDER JADIEL ELBA D. AGUARE PEREZ v. NEIL J. FIGUEROA GARCIA The object of this suit is to: CUSTODY/SIJS FOR ILDER J. FIGUEROA AGUARE It is ORDERED that the defendant NEIL J. FIGUEROA GARCIA appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before March 5, 2025 2:10 PM #3A. DATE:January 28, 2025 Natika Jones CLERK February 6,13,20 & 27, 2025 AD#90390


There is now pending before the District of Columbia Superior Court a civil action, case number 2023 CAB 007000 seeking to affect title to the property now or formerly owned by the Defendant Virginia R. Walker, located at 4446 Ord Street NE, Washington DC 20019. A copy of the action is available in the Clerk's office of the Court. A written answer, including any claims or defenses, must be filed with the District of Columbia Superior Court Civil Branch, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before the 1st day of May, 2025. Run Dates: March 5th, 2025 March 12th & 19th, 2025 A D#91263


V I R G I N I A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA Name Change No. CL24002679 In the matter of the change of name for JOUDIYA JUPITER DOULYAZAL to JOUDIYA JUPITER ABDUL-WALI ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a name change for a minor child. It appearing by affidavit that diligence has been used by the Petitioner to ascertain in what county or city the minor child's father, RIDA ALLAH DOULYAZAL , hereafter referred to as Respondent, currently resides, without effect. It is ORDERED that the Respondent appear before this Court on or before March 10, 2025, and protect his interests herein. AND it is further ORDERED that the above paragraphs be published once a week for four successive weeks in The Washington Times , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Alexandria, Virginia. The Clerk of this Court shall post this Order at the front door of the courthouse, and shall mail a copy of this Order to the Respondent at the address, if any, given in the affidavit of the Petitioner filed herewith. Entered: January 16, 2025 Rebecca Wade Clerk of the Circuit Court A COPY TESTE: J. Greg Parks, Clerk BY Harrison Hart DEPUTY CLERK Certified this 17th day of Jan,2025 I ASK FOR THIS: AIDA ABDUL-WALI Petitioner By Counsel SILIS & ASSOCIATES, PLLC Thomas P. Silis, Va Bar No. 65941 113 South Alfred Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Telephone: (703) 706-0075 Facsimile: (703) 706-0074 Counsel for Petitioner January 23 & 30, 2025 February 6 & 13, 2025 AD#90101

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