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McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, MD 20707 COURT APPOINTED SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 906 Blakney Lane, SE Washington, DC 20032 In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia's ("Court") Order Granting Judgment in Case #2019-CA-007875 R(RP) DLJ MORTGAGE CAPITAL INC v. ESTATE OF CYNTHIA COLE the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction within the offices of Alex Cooper Aucts., Inc., 4910 Massachusetts Ave., NW #100, Washington, DC 20016, 202-364-0306 on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2024 AT 11:57 AM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully designated as Lot 0108 in Square 5928 in a Deed of Trust dated February 8, 2007 recorded as Instrument No. 2007022964 among the D.C. Land Records. The property will be sold by Trustees' Deed "as is" without any covenant, expressed or implied, in Fee Simple, subject to conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above, and subject to ratification by the Court. TERMS OF SALE : A deposit of at least $32,000 or ten percent (10%) of the winning bid amount will be required at time of sale, in the form of cashier's or certified check, or other form as Substitute Trustees may determine. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Substitute Trustees which shall be announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be paid in certified funds within sixty (60) days of final ratification of the sale by the Court. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If Purchaser fails to settle within the aforesaid sixty (60) days of the ratification, the Purchaser agrees to pay the Substitute Trustees’ reasonable attorney fees as ordered by the Court, plus all costs incurred, if the Substitute Trustees have filed the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed with the Court in connection with such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by the Purchaser and as recorded on the documents executed by the Purchaser at the time of the sale. Service shall be deemed effective upon the Purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the United States Post Office. It is expressly agreed by the Purchaser that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service to be effective. If the Purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Substitute Trustees and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit. In the event of resale the defaulting Purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to the real property. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate of 7% per annum from the date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustees. In the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the Purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of all transfer taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs incident to settlement. Purchaser shall be responsible for physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the Purchaser's sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the Purchaser. The sale is subject to post sale audit by the noteholder to determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered into any repayment/ forbearance agreement, reinstated or paid off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser agrees that upon notification by the Substitute Trustees of such event the sale is null and void and of no legal effect and the deposit returned without interest. (Matter #19-802655). Laura H. G. O'Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28 (Serial #520389) Ad#85951


NOTICE BE IT KNOWN , that the Plaintiffs, Albert C. Scuderi, Jr. and Mark Ehlman Scuderi, have filed the instant action and Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Quiet Title regarding the Property being 15-17 feet wide, and 186-194 feet long, along Muncaster Road, between 17700 Muncaster Road and 17726 Muncaster Road, Rockville, Maryland, and that any interested party claiming any right, title or interest in or to the Property, or by or through Henry B. Magruder regarding the Property, shall file an Answer to the Complaint on or before September 23, 2024, or such right, title or interest in and to the Property shall be forever discharged, waived and released, the Property being: Description of a QUIET TITLE AREA BEING a piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Laytonsville Election District No. 1 of Montgomery County, Maryland, said piece or parcel of land lying on the northwesterly side of Muncaster Road (variable width right of way), left of baseline of right-of-way station 21+50 ±, and being labeled as “Apparent Vacancy” , as shown on Montgomery County, Maryland, Right-of-Way Plat File No. 462 , the aforementioned piece or parcel also lying northeasterly of Parcel “A” as delineated on a Plat of Subdivision entitled “Parcel “A”, Redland Gulf” and recorded as Plat No. 8832 , the aforesaid piece or parcel also lying southeast of Lot 1 , as delineated on a Plat of Subdivision entitled “Lot 1, Fraley's Subdivision” and recorded as Plat No. 3928 , said piece or parcel also lying southwesterly of Parcel “I” , as delineated on a Plat of Subdivision entitled “Parcel “I”, Redland” and recorded as Plat No. 19432 , all among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, and being described now in the North American Datum of 1983 and adjusted in 2011 (NAD ‘83/’11), as now surveyed, as follows: BEGINNING for the same at an iron pipe found lying on said northwesterly right-of-way line of Muncaster Road, said iron pipe found also lying at the southeasterly end of the northeasterly or South 59°09'49" East, 186.01 foot line of said Parcel “A”; thence running reversely with and along said northeasterly Parcel line 1. North 59°11'46" West, 186.01 feet to a point on the southeasterly or South 28°00' West, 275.00 foot line of said Lot 1; thence running reversely with and along a part of said southeasterly Lot line 2. North 25°13'20" East, 16.91 feet to a point at the northwesterly end of the southwesterly or North 58°15'07" West, 193.85 foot of said Parcel "I"; thence running reversely with and along said southwesterly Plat line, and an extension thereof 3. South 58°47'19" East, 196.80 feet to a point lying on the aforementioned northwesterly right-of-way line of Muncaster Road, 32.00 feet left of baseline of right-of-way station 21+63.79, as shown on said Montgomery County, Maryland, right-of-way Plat File No. 462; thence running with and along the aforesaid northwesterly right-of-way line the following two (2) courses and distances 4. South 29°12'19" West, 15.44 feet to a point; thence 5. North 59°11'46" West, 9.57 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3,164 square feet or 0.0726 of an acre of land. The licensee below was in responsible charge over the preparation of this metes and bounds description and the surveying work reflected in it, all in compliance with requirements set forth in COMAR Title 09, Subtitle 13, Chapter 06, Regulation .12. KAREN A. BUSHELL Judge CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE ROCKVILLE, MD 20850-2393 Date:August 23, 2024 Attorney: Kristin E. Draper 12505 Park Potomac Avenue, Seventh Floor Potomac, Maryland 20854 TEL: (301) 230-5200 FAX: (301) 230-2891 Email: kdraper@ Washington Times, 8/29, 9/5 & 9/12, 2024 Ad#86619


V I R G I N I A: IN THE FAIRFAX CIRCUIT COURT Myhanh Thi Tran COMPLAINANT VS Case #: CL-2024-0012211 Quoc Bao Nguyen DEFENDANT ORDER OF PUBLICATION The reason for this cause is to obtain a divorce. An affidavit having been made and filed showing that the Defendant in the above-entitled cause is cannot be found, and that diligence has been used without effect to ascertain the location of the party to be served; and the last known mailing address of the Defendant is as follows: Quoc Bao Nguyen 5424 Backlick Rd, Springfield, VA 22151 Upon consideration, this Order of Publication is granted, and it is ORDERED that the above named Defendant shall appear here on or before 31st day of October, 2024 after proper publication of this Order, to protect his/her interest in this cause. Entered: September 4, 2024 TESTE: CHRISTOPHER J. FALCON CLERK BY: Kaleigh lawson DEPUTY CLERK Written Answer may be filed in lieu of Court appearance Reply should be received by October 31, 2024 Myhanh Tran Signature of Complainant or Counsel for Complainant 2922 Lockport Dr Apt T1 Fallschurch, VA 22042 703-945-5574 September 13,20 & 27, 2024 October 4, 2024 AD#86967


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION 2023 ADM 895 Estate of Mary Lee McLean Deceased Notice of Standard Probate (For estates of decedents dying on or after July 1, 1995) Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by Janeice McNeill , for standard probate, including the appointment of one or more personal representatives. Unless a responsive pleading in the form of a complaint or an objection in accordance with Superior Court Probate Division Rule 407 is filed in this Court within 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice, the Court may take the action hereinafter set forth. Upon proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution by affidavit of the witnesses to the will, the Court will enter an order admitting the will to probate and appointing one or more personal representatives. In the absence of a will or proof satisfactory to the Court of due execution, the Court will enter an order determining that the decedent died intestate and appointing one or more personal representatives. Date of first publication: August 29, 2024 Name of newspapers: The Washington Times Washington Law Reporter /s/ Evangeline Covington, Esq . Signature of Petitioner/Attorney 1220 L Street NW, #100329 Washington, DC 20005 202-827-7449 Telephone Phone Number of Petitioner/Attorney /s/ Nicole Stevens Register of Wills Clerk of the Probate Division August 29, 2024 September 5,12, 2024 Ad#86479


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § § 1-211.1;8.01-316,-317,20-104 FAIRFAX CIRCUIT COURT 4110 CHAIN BRIDGE RD. FAIRFAX, VA 22030 Case No.: CL-2024-12294 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re Bertila Manzano Plaintiff v. Manuel De Jesus Ruiz Defendant The object of this suit is to: Obtain a Divorce A VINCULO MATRIMONII It is ORDERED that Manuel De Jesus Ruiz appear at the above-named court and protect his or her interests on or before October 31, 2024. DATE:August 29, 2024 Written Answer may be filed In Lieu of Court appearance Reply should be received by October 31,2024 CHRISTOPHER J. FALCON, CLERK Kaleigh Lawson DEPUTY CLERK September 13,20 & 27, 2024 October 4, 2024 AD#86969


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ463350-01-00 JJ463352-01-00 JJ463351-01-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re ACHEAMPONG, JAKIM OSEI & ACHEAMPONG, JERIEL OSEI ACHEAMPONG, JEHEZEKEL OSEI DUAH, YVONNE OSEI v. ACHEAMPONG, STEPHEN OSEI The object of this suit is to: DETERMINE CUSTODY OF ACHEAMPONG, JAKIM OSEI, ACHEAMPONG, JEHEZEKEL OSEI, AND ACHEAMPONG JARIEL OSEI It is ORDERED that the defendant ACHEAMPONG, STEPHEN OSEI appear at the above-named court and protect his or her interests on or before October 30, 2024 2:50 PM 3F. DATE: August 20, 2024 A.R. CLERK August 29, 2024 September 5,12 & 19, 2024 AD#86624


COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE THIRTY-FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY OF PRINCE WILLIAM, CITIES OF MANASSAS AND MANASSAS PARK IN THE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS THIRTY-FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT OF VIRGINIA RE: Estate of CROWLEY, Christopher Brett, Deceased NOTICE OF DEBTS AND DEMANDS HEARING Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.2-550 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, notice is hereby given that the undersigned Commissioner of Accounts, at the request of Jonathan R. Bronley, Esquire on behalf of Devan Crowley, Administrator, has appointed October 16, 2024 at 2:00 PM, at his office at 7915 Lake Manassas Drive, Suite 303, Gainesville, VA 20155, as the time and place for receiving proof of debts and demands against the aforesaid decedent and/or his/her estate. GIVEN UNDER my hand as Commissioner of Accounts this 10th day of September, 2024. Timothy A. Cope Commissioner of Accounts Advertised: September 13th, 2024 AD#86919


BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555 COURT APPOINTED TRUSTEE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 6516 North Capitol Street, NW Washington, DC 20012 In execution of the Superior Court for District of Columbia's Order/Decree in Case #2019 CA 001506 R(RP) the Trustees will offer for sale at public auction the real property located at 6516 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20012, designated as being Square 3367-S, Lot 0064, and as more fully described in the Deed of Trust dated June 15, 2015, which is recorded as Instrument #2015062368 in the Land Records of the District of Columbia. The sale will occur within the offices of Alex Cooper Aucts., Inc., 4910 Massachusetts Ave., NW #100, Washington, DC 20016, 202-364-0306 on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2024 AT 11:47 AM The property, in fee simple, together with all improvements thereon, will be sold by Trustee’s deed, in “as is” condition, subject to conditions, restrictions, and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. The sale will be subject to ratification by the Court. TERMS OF SALE : A deposit of $30,000, in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or money order, will be required of the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The deposit required to bid at the auction is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit and may submit a written bid to the Trustee, which shall be announced at sale. The sale is subject to ratification by the Court. The balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Trustees, to be paid in certified funds within 30 days of final ratification of the sale by the Court. There will be no abatement of interest for the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement, or in the event settlement is delayed for any reason whatsoever. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. If purchaser fails or refuses to settle within the aforesaid time frame, the deposit will be forfeited and the Trustees may apply the deposit toward costs, fees, and their compensation associated with the initial auction and the resale process, with any remaining amount credited to the underlying debt. Additionally, if the purchaser fails to timely settle, the Trustees may file a motion to resell the property, and the purchaser agrees to pay the Trustees’ reasonable attorney fees as ordered by the Court in connection with said motion. The purchaser also waives personal service of any paper and Show Cause Order in connection with a motion to resell, expressly agrees to accept service by certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by the purchaser on the documents executed at the time of the sale, and agrees that such service is complete upon mailing and that actual receipt of said mailings is not required. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Real estate taxes are adjusted for the fiscal year in which the property is sold through the date of the sale, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All other public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale to be paid by the purchaser. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Court Appointed Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Superior Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BWW#: 325792-2 Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Court Appointed Trustees Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28 (Serial #520391) Ad#85958


ORDER OF PUBLICATION Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE § 8.01-316 FAIRFAX COUNTY JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS DISTRICT COURT Case No.: JJ463736-01-00 Commonwealth of Virginia, in re ROMERO CORTEZ, GABRIELA BELEN ROMERO CORTEZ, ARACELY DEL C v. RODRIGUEZ, CRISTOBAL The object of this suit is to: DETERMINE CUSTODY OF ROMERO CORTEZ, GABRIELA BELEN It is ORDERED that the defendant RODRIGUEZ, CRISTOBAL appear at the above-named court and protect his or her interests on or before September 25, 2024 3:20 PM 3G. DATE: August 19, 2024 A.R. CLERK August 29, 2024 September 5,12 & 19, 2024 AD#86626


NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER State Department Federal Credit Union hereby gives notice that it will transfer $180,960.35 from the account of Blaine Dell Porter 30 days after last publication of this notice. The funds will be transferred to Kristin Brooke Hill, administrator of the estate. The decedent died while domiciled in West Virginia. Written claim to said funds should be sent to SDFCU, 1630 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 . Attn: William Parker. Publication dates: 9-13-2024, 9-20-2024 9-27-2024, 10-4-2024 Ad#86973

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